29424 - Seminars (1) (LM) (G.B)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Docente: Dianella Gagliani
  • Credits: 6
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History and Oriental Studies (cod. 8845)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the lessons and by means of meetings and discussions with scholars and experts, the student is able to collect and organize complex information in a coherent form; is able to apply methodologies of analysis, of preservation and promotion of historical memory; is able to identify a relevant research problem and to select and use in an appropriate way the sources necessary to analyse it.

Course contents

The course "Questions of history, sources, methodology" focuses on some core topics of contemporary history with particular attention to Fascism and WWII.

Some lessons will be held by specialists, scholars, archivists, curators of museums and memorial sites.

Lessons will take place on Friday, 3-7 pm, aula XI, via Zamboni 38 (ground floor). Lessons start on March, 22 2019.

Students have to attend the lessons regularly.

Detailed content and practical information will be given to the students on the first day of the course.

For any information please contact PhD Roberta Mira <roberta.mira@unibo.it>


A list of the readings will be given during the lessons.

Teaching methods

Presentation and analysis of readings and sources (written and audiovisual).

Discussion and formulation of interpretations.

Discussion with experts on preservation and promotion of historical heritage and memory.

Assessment methods

Students have to write a paper on a topic planned with one of the professors and chosen among the themes of the course (paper lenght: about 15.000 signs). Bibliography will be given during the lessons.

Students will hand in the papers via e-mail to the professor they chose by June, 3 2019. Students will hand in the papers via e-mail to the professor they chose. First exam date will be on June, 18 2019.

Exams dates will be published on professor Gagliani's webpage (see 'Avvisi') and on AlmaEsami. There are no extraordinary dates.

To register for the exam please use AlmaEsami. It is possible to register after each exam date for the next one. Pay attention to the deadline: registration closes 10 days before the exam. Please check the deadline on AlmaEsami.

On the exam day students have to hand in a printed copy of their paper.

Detailed information on the paper will be given on the first day of the lessons.

The paper will verify the capability to:

- elaborate the information and knowledge acquired during the lessons 
- elaborate the information and knowledge acquired by means of readings
- write a historical paper following scientific criteria and method.

Teaching tools


Written sources

Images and pictures






Office hours

See the website of Dianella Gagliani