78791 - Internet Programming - Laboratory of Internet Programming (I.C)

Academic Year 2018/2019

Learning outcomes

Basic knowledge of Java programming. Ability to design and implement client-server network applications with Java language

Course contents

- Object oriented paradigm

- Algorithms and programming languages

- Inheritance

- Polymorphism

- Java network programming: client-server model, multithreading


W. Savitch, Programmazione di base e avanzata con Java, Pearson Italia S.p.A., 2014

Teaching methods

Topics will be presented with the help of slides. Examples of Java programming will be completely developed. The students will have access to the code on a web site. In laboratory the student will design and develop code for assigned exercises

Assessment methods

Lab exam

Teaching tools

Beamer, PC, laboratory

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Stefano Ferretti

See the website of Angelo Di Iorio