29479 - History of Emilia-Romagna in the Middle Ages (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Docente: Leardo Mascanzoni
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: M-STO/01
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History and Oriental Studies (cod. 8845)

Learning outcomes

The student at the end of the module acquires in-depth and specific knowledge of regional history. The student acquires a thorough knowledge, chronologically oriented, according to a critical and problematic approach. Students will show awareness of the importance of historical memory in contemporary culture, and will understand the most important historical-political and institutional dynamics that characterized the region in the Middle Ages.

Course contents

The programme will study, with deepenings and comparisons, themes, problems, events typical of the political, institutional, religious and cultural history of Emilia and Romagna, from Rimini to Piacenza, during centuries between 1000 and 1500. Particularly attention will be about history of towns as exemple and in connection with teaching of medieval urban civilization. In fact, the strong urban expression, however integrated with an equally strong presence of territory and country, is the most important aspect in central and ending medieval centuries in our region.

Practically the course of study will last thirty hours. These the topics: 1) Bibliographic sources and updates for 8 hours; 2) The first half of XI century: the powers of Ravenna and Canossa for 4 hours; 3) Between the XI and XII centuries: political and institutional renovations for 2 hours; 4) The first half of XII century; the Comune for 2 hours; 5) The second half of XII century: the struggles against the Empire, eminent cities for 2 hours; 6) The first half of XIII century: developments of the Comune; birth of the Estense lordship for 2 hours; 7) The second half of XIII century: the loss of citizens balances; the Papacy in our region for 2 hours; 8) Between the XIII and XIV centuries: the beginning of stately governments in the cities for 2 hours; 9) The first half of XIV century: instabilities, venture companies, wars, Avignon Papacy, outside the region Signorie for 2 hours; 10) The second half of XIV century: the reconquest of the Papacy, Eight Saints War, outside the region Signorie for 2 hours; 11) XV century: the end of the Lords; Papacy, Milan, Venice, Florence for 2 hours; Ii will be lectures.

The presence in class is very important in the learning and assessment process. Some starting hours will dedicate to presentation, with practical exemples, of the chief sources and studies by means of was possible to write general history of Emilia and Romagna in the examined period. 


A. VASINA, L'area emiliana e romagnola, in "Storia d'Italia diretta da G. Galasso", seventh volume, first tome (entitled Comuni e signorie nell'Italia nordorientale e centrale: Veneto, Emilia-Romagna e Toscana), Torino, UTET, 1987, to which will be dedicated maxim part of lessons. I remember this fundamental essay is (was) to be found as: A. VASINA, Comuni e signorie in Emilia e in Romagna. Dal secolo XI al secolo XV, Torino, UTET, 1986. The students must add for the examination: L. MASCANZONI, La crociata contro Francesco II Ordelaffi (1356-1359) nello specchio della storiografia. Exurgant Insuper Christi Milites, Bologna, Pàtron Editore, 2017.
The student who don't attend lessons must add the reading for examination of: B. PIO, Giovanni da Legnano. Un intellettuale nell'Europa del Trecento, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2018.

LESSONS WILL START ON WEDNESDAY 5 october 2018; Monday h. 13-15 "Hall Torresani" DSCC; Wednesday h. 13-15 "Hall Torresani" DSCC; Friday h. 13-15 "Hall Torresani" DSCC. Academic quarter of an hour is expected.

The students will be received on monday, office 6, II floor, DSCC, h. 15-17.

All the students are also invited to frequent laboratorial activities or seminaries agreed with interested teachers. I remind that after the end of the course "Storia dell'Emilia-Romagna nel Medio Evo" I shall organize a seminar for total 30 hours and 6 cfu about The materials of history: archives, funds, libraries in Emilia-Romagna.

Teaching methods

The teacher will make frontal lessons. Because the matter is medieval history of Emilia and Romagna, the teacher will use historical and geographic maps. It is expected discussion with the students about themes and problems emerged in class. 

Assessment methods

The exam consists of an oral test. The oral examination is meant to value critical and methodological skills of the student. The student should be able to consult the sources and bibliography in order to underline the most important aspects of the subject. The abilities of the student to know the sources and the bibliography in order to draw useful informations about the subject will be very appreciate. A deep knowledge of the subject, a critical overview of it and a specific language will bring to excellent marks. A summary knowledge of the subject, a moderate synthesis and an approximate language will bring to good marks. Formative gaps and unappropriate language will bring to sufficient marks. Formative gaps, unappropriate language and unhability to consult the sources and bibliography will bring to insufficient marks. As the teaching consists of two modules (Storia dell'Emilia-Romagna nel Medioevo e Storia delle città), final vote (Storia regionale e civiltà urbana) will be calculated according to the two modules.

Teaching tools

As direct help of didactics we shall use essential and traditional tools: blackboard, maps, photos; also the use of pc will be useful for slides projection in due course.

Office hours

See the website of Leardo Mascanzoni