28538 - Economics and Business Organization T-1 (A-K)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Moduli: Federico Munari (Modulo 1) Federico Munari (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Engineering Management (cod. 0925)

Learning outcomes

The course illustrates basic concepts of financial accounting and management accounting. It provides the notions to understand the characteristics and behavior of companies, their economic and financial performance and the methods they use to generate and analyze economic information in the decision-making process.

Course contents


The course will be held in Italian


A)    Company overview ·        Introduction to the firm ·        Firms as open systems ·        Principles of competitive analysis ·        Controlling companies economic outcomes and performance

B)    Balance sheet: ·        The balance sheet: objectives and structure ·        The analysis of the transactions: their definition and their impact on balance sheet ·        Introduction to financial and accounting principles. ·        The profit and loss account and its structure  

C)    Analyzing costs to support decision making ·        The objectives of management accounting ·        Relations between decisions and different types of costs ·        Break-even point analysis ·        Direct costs, indirect costs and allocation problems. Systems for determining product costs.

D)    The economic analysis of short-term decisions

·        Differential analysis

·        Choosing between alternatives: full costs and differential costs

·        Making a decision among different alternatives

·        Assessing future costs and sunk costs

E)     Long term decisions: the valuation of investments

·        Different kinds of investment decisions

·        Basic principles of financial mathematics.

·        Determining the value of an investment: the Net Present Value.

·        The Investment valuation: steps of the decision procedure.

·        Basic concepts to evaluate an investment: the expected rate of return, the economic life of a project, the relevant cash flows.

·        Other evaluation methods to: internal rate of return, pay-back, average accounting profit.



Slides, exercises, teaching notes and other documentation will be provided by the teacher along the course (available on the course website www.universibo.unibo.it)


Text book


R.N. Anthony, L.K. Breitner, D.M. Macrì, Il Bilancio. Analisi economiche per le decisioni e la comunicazione delle performance (13° edizione), McGraw-Hill, Milano 2012. (escluso cap. 9)

- R.N. Anthony, D.F. Hawkins, D.M. Macrì, K.A. Merchant, Sistemi di controllo di gestione: analisi economiche per le decisioni aziendali, (13° edizione), McGraw-Hill, Milano 2012. (capp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17)

Articolo Mura, M., Longo, M. (2205) “Corporate Social Responsibility e processo di innovazione nella Corporate Governance”, Sistemi e Impresa, N.2, Marzo 2005

Esercizi d'esame e relative soluzioni sono disponibili in rete nelle pagine dedicate al corso d'insegnamento nel sito http:// www.universibo.it.

Teaching methods



Discussion of case-studies

Assessment methods

The final assessment for the course will be conducted through a written examination and an oral exam. This written exam encompasses two  exercises and a set of multiple-choice questions covering the entire program.

Exam dates will be fixed according to the faculty calendar and they will be communicated to students through the Almaesami service (almaesami.unibo.it). Registration to the exam should be undertaken exclusively  through the Uniwex service.

Teaching tools

See course website for a set of exercises and related solutions

Office hours

See the website of Federico Munari