03857 - General Sociology

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Andrea Bassi
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: SPS/07
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Economics and Business (cod. 8851)

Learning outcomes

The main learning outcomes will be: - knowledge of the main authors of the discipline; - critical capacity to analyze the main sociological approaches; - knowledge of the methodological tools of the discipline; - knowledge of the qualitative methodological approaches; - knowledge of the quantitative methodological approaches; - basic elements of the social research.

Course contents

The course aims to give students an introduction to sociological thinking having as main theme the critical exposition of the main sociological theories, with particular attention to classical authors. The student will be offered a wide panorama of sociological approaches by their reference to: a general conceptual framework, the research methodology; the sociological survey practice, with empirical examples.

The course is divided into two modules.

The first module provides for the discussion of the basic concepts and key approaches on which sociology - as a reflection of society thinking about itself - is based. This part has the task to tackle questions related to the birth of sociological thought, called to offer a new analytical-interpretative perspective for the study and critical analysis of the specific dynamics of modern society and its institutions. They will be discussed among others the contributions of: Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Talcott Parsons, Jurgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann.
The second module provides the basic knowledge about the methods of social research and on empirical research techniques through the presentation of some investigations both quantitative and qualitative.


1) O'Byrne Darren (2012), Sociologia. Fondamenti e teorie, Pearson, Milano.

2) Andrea Bassi (a cura di) (2017), Lavoro, imprenditorialità e cooperazione. Indagine sugli orientamenti degli studenti di Scuola secondaria di secondo grado nel Comune di Forlì, Franco Angeli, Milano.

Teaching methods

The course is based on lectures with the support of electronic devices and audio-visual.

Assessment methods

The final examination consist of a colloquium that aim to ascertain students' understanding of the arguments presented during lectures

Teaching tools

Video projector, PC, overhead projector, flipchart.

Office hours

See the website of Andrea Bassi