09117 - Sociology of The Family and Education

Academic Year 2017/2018

Learning outcomes

Al termine del corso, lo studente: - conosce le principali teorie e approcci metodologici allo studio della famiglia, - possiede una conoscenza di base dell'istituzione familiare e delle sue trasformazioni culturali e strutturali, con particolare attenzione alle relazioni tra i gender e a quelle tra le generazioni, - conosce e sa applicare gli strumenti teorici ed empirici per leggere e analizzare le maggiori problematiche della famiglia contemporanea, - possiede gli strumenti necessari per l'analisi delle "competenze familiari" e dei servizi sociali per le famiglie più innovativi in Italia e in Europa. - conosce e sa applicare i principali modelli interpretativi dei processi e delle istituzioni educative, - conosce gli ambiti di studio e di ricerca della sociologia dell'educazione, - conosce e sa applicare i metodi e le tecniche di ricerca per la lettura dei processi e dei sistemi formativi emergenti nella società globale contemporanea.

Course contents

The course is divided into two main modules.
The first module analyzes the transformations of the contemporary family documented by recent demographic phenomena such as:
- the aging of the population and the consequent extension of the families
- the slight increase and postponement of marriages
- the overall decline in births
- the increase in cohabitation and birth outside of marriage
- the increase in marital instability
- the rise of families with only one parent
- the rise of recombined families
- the rise of unipersonal families.
Particular attention will also be paid to the theme of parenting and in particular to the role of fathers in ancient and contemporary societies and the relationship between generations.
The second module is devoted to the analysis of the research and research fields of the sociology of education and the main interpretative models of educational processes and institutions. Particular attention will be given to the relationship between education and society and its transformations. The main actors and agencies of the educational process will be analyzed: the family and the school.


For non-attending students:


1) C. Saraceno. The misunderstanding of the family, Laterza, Bari, 2017.

2) F. Bertocchi, Sociology of Paternity, Cedam, Padua, 2009.

3) F. Garelli, Education, Mulino, Bologna, 2017.

4) In press F. Bertocchi and L. Guizzardi (ed.), We are family. Same-sex families in the Italian context, Italian Sociological Review, Vol. 7, n. 3, 2017 (available and downloadable free at the following link: http://www.italiansociologicalreview.com/ojs/index.php?journal=ISR&page=issue&op=view&path%5B%5D=25) (only: Bertocchi F. The State of Studies and Research on the Homosexual Parent Family in Italy and Guizzardi L. ‘In September, they will start to ask: “So you’re all coming here for Christmas?”’. Rainbow Families and the Gift of Kinship).


For attending students:


1) Lesson slides (which can be downloaded by the attending student from http://campus.unibo.it/ with authentication with personal credentials (username and password).
2) In press F. Bertocchi and L. Guizzardi (ed.), We are family. Same-sex families in the Italian context, Italian Sociological Review, Vol. 7, n. 3, 2017 (available and downloadable free at the following link: http://www.italiansociologicalreview.com/ojs/index.php?journal=ISR&page=issue&op=view&path%5B%5D=25) (only: Bertocchi F. The State of Studies and Research on the Homosexual Parent Family in Italy and Guizzardi L. ‘In September, they will start to ask: “So you’re all coming here for Christmas?”’. Rainbow Families and the Gift of Kinship).


Recommended reading:


F. Bertocchi e L. Guizzardi (a cura di), We are family. Same-sex families in the italian context, Italian Sociological Review, Vol. 7, n. 3, 2017 (link: http://www.italiansociologicalreview.com/ojs/index.php?journal=ISR&page=issue&op=view&path%5B%5D=25).

A.L. Zanatta, Nuove madri e nuovi padri, Bologna, il Mulino, 2011.

A.L. Zanatta, I nuovi nonni, Bologna, il Mulino, 2013.

A.L. Zanatta, Le nuove famiglie, Bologna, il Mulino, 2008.

S. Golombok, Famiglie moderne, Milano, Edra, 2015.

S. Piccone Stella, L. Salmieri, Convivere in Italia, Roma, Carocci, 2016.

R. Carriero, L. Tedesco, Indaffarate e soddisfatte, Roma, Carocci, 2016.

M. Recalcati, L’ora di lezione, Torino, Einaudi, 2014.

C. Rossi Marcelli, Lo zoo delle famiglie, Milano, Vallardi, 2015.

C. Saraceno, Mamma e papà, Bologna, il Mulino, 2016.

M. Cavallo, Si fa presto a dire famiglia, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2016.

T. Iaquinta, A. Salvo, Generazione TVB, Bologna, il Mulino, 2017.

M. Ammaniti, La famiglia adolescente, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2015.

J.C. Kaufmann, Baruffe d’amore, Bologna, il Mulino, 2008.

A. Gigli, Famiglie evolute, Parma, Edizioni Junior, 2016.

F. Garelli, Educazione, Bologna, il Mulino, 2017.

A. Cadoret, Genitori come gli altri, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2008.

M. Everri, Genitori come gli altri e tra gli altri, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2016.

F. Ferrari, La famiglia inattesa, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2015.

P. Bastianoni, C. Baiamonte, Le famiglie omogenitoriali in Italia, Parma, Edizioni Junior, 2015.

Z. Bauman, Amore liquido: sulla fragilità dei legami affettivi, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2004.

Z. Bauman, Consumo, dunque sono, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2009.

Z. Bauman, Conversazioni sull'educazione, Trento, Erickson, 2012.

M. D’Amato, Ci siamo persi i bambini, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2014.

G. Pietropolli Charmet, La fatica di diventare grandi, Torino, Einaudi, 2014.

R.N. Bellah, Le abitudini del cuore, Roma, Armando editore, 1996.

J.C. Kaufmann, La vita a due: sociologia della coppia, Bologna, il Mulino, 1996.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons, insights, discussion in the classroom and videos related to the topics of the course. In addition, students will be able to carry out group work on topics agreed with the teacher who will present the salient results in the classroom and the elaboration of a final report that will contribute to the definition of the final vote.

Frequency is not obligatory, but strongly recommended.

Assessment methods

Oral examination.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities are encouraged to contact the teacher if they wish to evaluate the possibility of adapting the exam or if they have special needs for lessons as well.

Teaching tools

During the lessons will be presented slides and detailed material that can be downloaded by the attending student from http://campus.unibo.it/ with authentication with personal credentials (username and password).

Office hours

See the website of Federica Bertocchi