78641 - Turbomachines and Power Generation for Off-Shore Application

Academic Year 2017/2018

Learning outcomes

The course is aimed at providing basic principles for design and operation of typical fluid machines used for “island” application in off-shore installations.

Course contents

Energy Sources Classification and types of energy sources

Solar Energy Photovoltaic energy, Thermal solar energy. Solar concentrator

Wind Energy Generalities, Betz-Lancaster Limit, design issues.

Gas Turbine Simple cycle gas turbines, estimation of power, specific work, efficiency, etc.

Steam Power Plants Rankine cycle, Hirn Cycle, Adoption of bleed ports, Reheat, etc.

Combined Cycle Power Plants Lay-out of 1PL, 2PL

Combined Heat and Power CHP lay-outs, European Regulation and Italian Regulation

Axial and Volumetric Compressors


H. Cohen, G.F.C. Rogers, H.I.H. Saravanamuttoo, Gas Turbine Theory

Teaching methods

The course consists of 3 credits (CFU) in a single module.

The module provides some lessons presenting numerical examples.

Assessment methods

The examination at the end of the course aims to assess the achievement of learning objectives, verifying the knowledge that the students have acquired about design aspects, structural, functional and management about the environmental impact from energy system
The final grade is defined by a single oral exam, testing the student's knowledge in all topics covered in the 6 CFU

Teaching tools

Teaching materials: teaching material presented in class will be made available to the student in electronic format via internet.

Office hours

See the website of Francesco Melino