78482 - Technologies for Offshore O&G Exploitation

Academic Year 2017/2018

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to introduce the student to the processes and technologies for the production of off-shore Oil&Gas resources. The student will gain knowledge on sub-sea, top-side and floating production technologies.

Course contents

Requirements/Prior knowledge

A prior knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts used to describe a production process and its material and energy input/outputs is required to attend with profit this course. This implies basic knowledge of physics, chemistry and thermodynamics.

Fluent spoken and written English is a necessary pre-requisite: all lectures and tutorials, and all study material will be in English.


Course Contents

This course is part of a system of modules on the exploitation of off-shore Oil&Gas resources. The correspondences between the names of the courses and the lecture modules are reported in the following.


STEM Students


     LECTURE MODULE A (A1+A2) – Prof. P. Macini (6CFU)

     LECTURE MODULE B1 – Prof. A. Tugnoli (2CFU)

     LECTURE MODULE B2 – Prof. G. De Ghetto (4CFU)


ERE Students

8481 - OFFSHORE O&G EXPLOITATION I.C. (6+6CFU) is an integrated course with two components:


         LECTURE MODULE A (A1+A2) – Prof. P. Macini (6CFU)


        LECTURE MODULE B1 – Prof. A. Tugnoli (2CFU)

        LECTURE MODULE B2 – Prof. G. De Ghetto (4CFU)


Civil Engineering


     LECTURE MODULE A1 – Prof. P. Macini (3 CFU)


     LECTURE MODULE A2 – Prof. P. Macini (3CFU)

     LECTURE MODULE B1 – Prof. A. Tugnoli (2CFU)

     LECTURE MODULE B2 – Prof. G. De Ghetto (4CFU)


Content of the Lecture Modules


LECTURE MODULE A (Prof. P. Macini)

The module is split in 2 sub-sections A1 (mandatory for STEM, ERE and Civil Eng.) and A2 (mandatory for STEM, ERE; elective for Civil Eng.)

The detailed description of the Content and test rules of this module can be found at http://www.ingegneriarchitettura.unibo.it/it/corsi/insegnamenti/insegnamento/2016/405343


LECTURE MODULE B1 (Prof. A. Tugnoli)

- Introduction to the design in Oil & Gas processing

- Focus on a specific technology: design of gravitational separators

- Tutorials and Individual Case Study development


LECTURE MODULE B2 (Prof. G. De Ghetto)

- Overview of the Oil & Gas production system

- Full system production performance

- Gas field processing

- Oil field processing

- Production trouble shooting

- On shore field development

- Off shore field development

- Oil& Gas project management

- Field development strategy

- Case studies of field developments


Lecture notes and supporting study material (AMS Campus website)

Enciclopaedia of hydrocarbons: Volume 1, exploration, production and transport, Treccani 2005.

Teaching methods

In-class lessons


Individual Case Study

Assessment methods

Achievements will be assessed by the means of a final exam. This is based on an analytical assessment of the "expected learning outcomes" described above.

Only for 78646 LABORATORY OF OFFSHORE O&G EXPLOITATION [LECTURE MODULE A1 – Prof. P. Macini (3 CFU)] the final exam will consist in a single written test with a pass/fail evaluation.

In all the other cases, the achievement of the expected learning outcomes is assessed by an examination composed of different sessions, according to the lecture module composition of the exam to be evaluated and a mark will be awarded. Whenever marks from different modules have to be combined the ETCS weighted average is used.

Written tests of the Module A and B1+B2 can be sustained in any order.

To receive a passing grade you must score a mark ≥18/30 on each one of the modules; a fail grade on a module requires the test on that module to be repeated.

The passing grades of each module are normally valid for 12 months, then the mark is lost and the written test of that module must be repeated.

Requests to refuse a mark of a module ≥18/30 must be submitted to the Professor within 48 hours after you receive the graded exam, and with a written justification. After 48 hours, the mark of the module is automatically considered accepted and the test on the module can not be taken again.

An intermediate mark ≥18/30 for a given module can not be refused more than 2 times.

Final mark of the Integrated course is awarded 48h after passing both intermediate marks (Module A and Module B1+B2). The final mark can not be refused.


Module A (A1+A2) – Prof. P. Macini

Final exam: written test. See details at http://www.ingegneriarchitettura.unibo.it/it/corsi/insegnamenti/insegnamento/2016/405343


Module B1+B2, Prof. A. Tugnoli & G. De Ghetto

Final exam: written test in the same date for both module B1 and B2

The written test will typically consist of 8 open questions, 2 applicative exercises and 1 separator design exercise*.

* The design exercise can be substituted by the development of an assignment during the lesson period of Prof. Tugnoli.


Grading criteria

The exam is set to evaluate the students' knowledge-level, analyzing and synthesizing abilities, and technical communication skills.

Higher grades (from 25/30 to 30/30) will be awarded to students who demonstrate an organic understanding of the subject, a high ability for critical application, a clear and concise presentation of their ideas and an appropriate use of technical language.

To obtain a passing grade (from 18/30 to 24/30), students are required to at least demonstrate a knowledge of the key concepts of the subject, some ability for critical application, and a comprehensible use of technical language.

A failing grade will be awarded if the student shows knowledge gaps in key-concepts of the subject, inappropriate use of language, and/or logic failures in the analysis of the subject.

Teaching tools

Lecture slides and integrative supporting material will be available on-line by AMS Campus service (http://campus.unibo.it/ ). UniBo credentials are required for access.

A mailing list will be available for communications (https://www.dsa.unibo.it/ ). Password will be comunicated on the first day of the course.

Office hours

See the website of Alessandro Tugnoli

See the website of Giambattista De Ghetto