73449 - Drawing T (A-K) (L-Z)

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Moduli: Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio (Modulo 1) Filippo Fantini (Modulo 2) Filippo Fantini (Modulo 3)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Industrial Design (cod. 8182)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the didactic module, the student will acquire the mastery of the methods and techniques of representation, which are indispensable for exploring the different graphic and visual representation modes.
Through the survey of an existing artifacts (meant as the process of understanding and describing the object, also with regard to its functioning and the relationships between formal configuration and production mode), the student will develop the appropriate competent prefiguration and uniquely identifying of new shapes, propedeutics to the product design and the design of its image, for the purpose of dissemination and communication of the industrial product itself.

Course contents

The purpose of the practice Lab is to teach the ability to express the design idea in its geometric and spatial components, through the most suitable expressive languages selected according to the type of interlocutor to which graphic, photographic or physical processing is directed.
Within the various modules in which the Lab is articulated, the main aspects of drawing will be explored as an analogue system, the use of photographic technique and three-dimensional study models for the rendering and communication of the object/artefact.

The didactic activity consists of two complementary moments: theoretical lessons and exercises.

During the ex-cathedra lessons, the lecturers will also formulate operational proposals for practical exercises to be held during the course, which will be subject to an intermediate evaluation. On specific topics, experts will be invited to submit communications.

The topics covered within the modules will be the following:


The methods and systems of representation (orthogonal projections, assonometry, perspective), techniques (freehand sketch, pencil drawing and china, rendering) will be dealt with in the normative aspects.

Modeling and image for industrial design

The theme will be the Production of the image for industrial design. The use of photographic techniques in relation to the different phases of the analysis and image project will be proposed as further support for the study of object and object space in space. After an illustration of the shooting techniques, practical experiences will be dealt both in the lab and in the outdoor, for the cognitive analysis of the object and for its communication to the various subjects involved in the industrial design process.

Modeling and prototyping of industrial products

The module intends to increase students' ability to observe, think, and represent three-dimensional objects. Activities (lessons, exercises, seminars) are designed to stimulate the critical observation capabilities of reality through the study of some objects. Reprocessing, reprocessing, reproduction with special attention to the scales of representation, the materials and the techniques of execution are carried out in an understanding of the finalization of the model (study, volume control, presentation for Customer, for productive ends ...). From an operational point of view, the aim is to acquire the knowledge and techniques required for modeling lightweight, easy to find and workable materials, which do not require sophisticated equipment: from volumetric testing to detail analysis to modeling Of presentation. By choosing two materials with totally different characteristics, such as paper and polystyrene, you can get any simple or complex shape


M.Docci, D.Maestri, M.Gaiani, Scienza del disegno , CittàStudi, Novara, 2011

R.Migliari, Geometria descrittiva , CittàStudi, Novara, 2009
N.Crowe, P.Laseau, Visual Notes for architects and designers , New York, 1984

Galloni, L., Disegnare il design , Hoepli, Milano, 2001

Polato P., Il modello nel design , Hoepli, Milano, 1991

Lucci R., Orlandini P., Product Design Models , Van Nostrand Reinhold Book, New York, 1990

Kudan-Kita, Chyoda-Ku Tokyo,Models & Prototypes , Graphic-sha
Norman Trudeau, Professional Modelmaking , Whitney Library of Design

Norme UNI, Ente nazionale italiano di unificazione, M1 (voll. 1, 2, 3).

Teaching methods

The Lab is organized in three distinct integrated teaching modules:

1. Drawing course

2. Illustrative course for Industrial Image Production

3. Supplementary Course on Modeling and Prototyping of Industrial Product

The course is organized in:

- theoretical frontal lessons

- a set of applied tutorials for acquired notions that have subjects or subjects that are predefined

- an exercise to be performed outside the course time and subjected to periodic review.

The exercises are individual. 

Assessment methods

The laboratory concludes with a scrutiny of the works produced by the student during the course, as well as with an oral test based also on a possible graphic ex-tempore.

In order to be admitted to the examination students must have delivered:

A - sketch/notebook of the clipboard;

B - individual classroom exercises for each module.

Practice tests and oral interview should be supported in the same exam session

Teaching tools

Among the tools of the course is the use of the sketchbook accompanying the student during the learning and study phases. The course uses a textbook that contains the diagrams from which some graphic works will be drawn.

Supplementary documentation and graphic material will be provided by the teacher, the specific bibliography will also be mentioned in relation to the topics discussed in the course.

Office hours

See the website of Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio

See the website of Filippo Fantini

See the website of Filippo Fantini