31354 - Theory and Teaching of Swimming Sports

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Giorgio Gatta
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: M-EDF/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Moduli: Giorgio Gatta (Modulo 1) Matteo Cortesi (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Exercise and Sport Sciences (cod. 8512)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: a) knows the aquatic environment's characteristics and the principles of fluid mechanics, b) knows the biomechanical and physiological characteristics that regulate human movement in the aquatic environment, c) knows, and is able to apply the correct methods of teaching the various physical activities and sports that take place in water.

Course contents

The contents of the program are divided into 3 areas: Characteristics of water activities - Biomechanics and physiology of movement in water - Teaching and technique of swimming

-The man and the water, historical references, social and cultural aspects. The swimming today and swimming for all. Instructional and competitive swimming, master, water polo, synchronized swimming, swimming flippers, rescue and techniques for the rescue. Scuba diving, free diving, diving techniques with equipment, psychological aspects of diving. Different types of physical activities in water, aquatic fitness, the water-bikes. Recreational activities and professional, water gymnastics, walking and running in water, gentle aerobics, water birth, techniques, rehabilitation, disability and diving, swimming for seniors.

-Aquatic environment, differences between the terrestrial and aquatic traction. Physical characteristics of the fluid. Dynamics of flow, Reynolds number. Floating movement in water and propulsion, resistances. Passive and active drag methods of measurement. The costumes technicians. Physiological aspects of mobility in water, values ​​health benefits, preventive and rehabilitative aspects.

-Swimmingìs teaching, models and educational values​​, motor's patterns and development of aquatic aquatic movement. Organisation of a course and the swimming lesson. Methodology of the different stages of learning, assessment and correction mode in teaching swimming. swims elementary, technical analysis of competitive swimming, turns and dips to start, analysis of the race. The exercises of specific coordination, evaluation, and how to correct the swimming competitions. efficiency and effectiveness. Technical regulations.


Lecture notes (slides-items) placed on Alma-Campus. For more information: Maglischo E.W. "Swimming even faster" Mayfield Publishing Company 1993. Counsilman J. & Counsilman B.E. "The new science of swimming" Freeman 2004. Colwin C.M. "Breakthrough swimming" Human Kinetics 2002

Teaching methods

Lectures are planned with technical aids for teaching and participation by invitation of expert speakers for the theory. Practical activity in the water guided by skilled exercisers. And 'compulsory 70% attendance at lectures of the course (both in theory and in practice). Failure to achieve not admit to the exam and requires the repetition of the course. The presence can be made ​​at the discretion of the teacher with signing of appeal or during the lesson. Revenue absences are considered late and early exits, justifications in practice and medical certificates of any kind.

Assessment methods

At the end of the course is first evaluated practical works in the educational path followed in order to be eligible to sit for the final evaluation. Final evaluation is done through a written test (with possible oral supplementation) the level of detail in the study of the theory and the acquisition of the aspects of the practice. Will be presented to the student 3 questions (1 per area) extracted from a list submitted at the end of course inherent in the program actually performed. The behavior and the interest of the lessons is being evaluated in the drafting of the final vote. Vote achieved is the subject of the Convention for patent application of the Italian Swimming Federation and League Swimming Uisp.

Teaching tools

Lectures are planned with technical aids for teaching and participation by invitation of expert speakers for the theory. Practical activity in the water guided by skilled exercisers. And 'compulsory 70% attendance at lectures of the course (both in theory and in practice). Failure to achieve not admit to the exam and requires the repetition of the course. The presence can be made ​​at the discretion of the teacher with signing of appeal or during the lesson. Revenue absences are considered late and early exits, justifications in practice and medical certificates of any kind.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Giorgio Gatta

See the website of Matteo Cortesi