75899 - Economic History

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Economics, Markets and Institutions (cod. 8038)

Course contents


1) The relevant social and economic transformations  in agriculture and industry since 1700

2)  From the first to the second industrial revolution (country studies)

3) Italy's economic development 

4) The European integration process (1945-2014)


Parts  1, 2

V. Zamagni, Perchè l'Europa ha cambiato il mondo, il Mulino, 2015
Part 3:
V. Zamagni, Dalla periferia al centro: la seconda rinascita economica dell'Italia 1861-1990, Bologna, Il Mulino.  An English edition is available for those who are interested for both the books by Vera Zamagni.
Part 4:
F. Fauri, L'Unione Europea. Una storia economica, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2017.

Teaching methods

Each lesson will focus on a specific issue; students will be asked to participate and contribute to the discussion.

Assessment methods

Written exam or two written exams with open questions for the students who attend all classes

Teaching tools

Articles, tables, handouts, and reference bibliography available on line.

Office hours

See the website of Francesca Fauri