00929 - Modern History

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Simona Negruzzo
  • Credits: 12
  • SSD: M-STO/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Philosophy (cod. 0957)

    Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Humanities (cod. 8850)

Learning outcomes

The fundamentals of political, economic, social, cultural and religious history will be illustrated from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century, highlighting the connections between the various aspects and the perennial tension between attempts at hegemony, restoring and maintaining of the balance, which is specific to the history of the European continent in the modern age.

The world affairs will be the subject of special in-depth study because, in the long run, their understanding is essential to understanding the movements and the social dynamics of our time.

Course contents

The course will consist of a series of lectures, of an institutional nature, on international relations, religious dynamics (Reformation, Counter-Reformation), economic dynamics (development of production and trade), social and institutional dynamics (the diversity of political regimes in Europe: from Tsarist Russia to the Ottoman Empire, from Spanish polycentrism to English democracy ...).

Particular attention will be given to the figure and work of Martin Luther in the centenary of the 95 thesis presentation



The study of materials offered during the course, for the general or institutional section, must be complemented by the knowledge of a university handbook among:

- G. Gullino – G. Muto - E. Stumpo, Il mondo moderno. Manuale di storia per l’università, Bologna, Monduzzi, 20112;

- G. Ricuperati – F. Ieva, Manuale di storia moderna, Novara, Utet, 2012.



and a reading from:

- M. Bloch, Apologia della storia o Mestiere di storico, Torino, Einaudi, 2009.

- P. Prodi, La storia moderna, Bologna, il Mulino, 2005.

- S. Luzzatto (a cura di), Prima lezione di metodo storico, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2010.

- Maria Pia Paoli (a cura di), Nel laboratorio della storia. Una guida alle fonti dell'età moderna, Roma, Carocci, 2013.

- R. Bizzocchi, Guida allo studio della storia moderna, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2003.


Knowledge of the handbook and reading material will be supplemented by a more in-depth text to be chosen from:

- C.H. Parker, Relazioni globali nell’età moderna 1400-1800, Bologna, il Mulino, 2012.

- G. Dall'Olio, Martin Lutero, Roma, Carocci, 2013.

- C. Casanova, Regine per caso. Donne al governo in età moderna, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2014.

- L. Felici, La Riforna protestante nell'Europa del Cinquecento, Roma, Carocci, 2016.


and the volume:

Simona Negruzzo, Europa 1655. Memorie dalla corte di Francia, Milano, Cisalpino, 2015.

For all students it is also necessary to use a historical atlas (for instance: Atlante storico. Cronologia della storia universale, Milan, Garzanti, 2003).




The preparation includes the points A, B, C and D.

To the point A is provided to the written verification, while for the points B, C and D that oral.


The preparation includes the points A, B, C and D.

To the point A is provided to the written verification, while for the points B, C and D that oral.

Regarding D you will have to agree with the professor's study an additional volume to the one reported in the program.

It is appropriate for students not attending agree on the exam program directly with the teacher during office hours, so choose it in a relevant on the basis of their studies.

Any examination program will be agreed by email.



Teaching methods

Lectures and seminars

Assessment methods

The final exam will consist of a written preliminary test (open and closed questions with answers) and an oral interview.

The exam will consist of a written test of one hour and a half, and in an interview lasting an average of 30 minutes.

In the written test will be assigned a number of closed and open questions designed to examine the knowledge of the events and characters from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century, the ability to place them in a logical and chronological span of arguing critically. The test is passed with the attainment of sufficiency.

During the oral test will be evaluated in-depth knowledge of the issues dealt with in each of the essential texts for the completeness of the program; the ability to recognize, in every text, the sources used and historiographical reconstruction; the expressive mastery and specific language.
The lack of knowledge of one of the texts in the program will cause a negative rating.

Gaps in knowledge of the texts in the program, poor ability to recognize sources and historiographical reconstruction, very inappropriate language will involve an assessment of not more than sufficiency.
Knowledge mostly mechanical and / or mnemonics, capacity of synthesis and analysis limited, proper language, but not always appropriate, provide for a fair rating.
Full knowledge of the texts, good capacity of synthesis and analysis, fully valid and appropriate language will allow a good to excellent.
For the final assessment will take into account the outcome of the written and oral test.

Information about the dates of the calls and how to apply the examination will be regularly published on the web page teachers: http://www.unibo.it/docenti/simona.negruzzo.

Teaching tools

Powerpoint presentations

Office hours

See the website of Simona Negruzzo