79563 - Open your mind: a class without borders

Academic Year 2015/2016

  • Teaching Mode: E-learning
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Economics and Finance (cod. 0893)

Learning outcomes

This is a non conventional teaching activity explicitely designed for the students of the BA program "Economics and Finance" and it is is NOT available to Erasmus incoming students.

Students are free to pick-up their preferred subject on these two MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) platforms: EDX and Coursera (no other platforms allowed).

The activity is available all year long, there is no specific semester or begin and end date.

Students will have the opportunity to “open their mind” exploring completely new topics which could be related or not to economics and finance with the aim to enrich their academic curriculum. They will actively participate and immerse themselves in the online and international education experience, meeting peers of all over the world and instructors of other countries. Diversity of these environments, their complexity and addressing associated problems will allow students to learn new skills and learn how to be part of a modern international community.


The specific course content is chosen at will by students. Only necessary requirements are the following:

1- the chosen course must be currently available and active in a MOOC for the student to attend all activities;

2- the course delivers a final certificate;

3- the student attends and passes all the contemplated activities;

4- The topic of the course does not overlap with any course in the student' study plan at CLEF.


HOW TO PROCEED TO ENROLL IN "OPEN YOUR MIND": follow these steps (and read carefully before asking clarification questions):

  • 1-Find in one of the two MOOC platforms Edx and Coursera a course that satisfies ALL these conditions:
    1. Is not significantly overlapping with any of the courses you have in your study plan at CLEF, both of courses you pass in the past and you will take in the future.
    2. Is not started yet
    3. Has some final evaluation. Notice, it is not necessary that the course delivers a paying certificate. Many courses are for free and many others can be attended with free certificate (for example the Honor certificate in Edx) and both these options are fine to validate a course for “Open your mind” at CLEF.
  • 2-Prepare a file containing:
    1. Title of the course, platform and University offering it
    2. Link to the course on the platform
    3. Program of the course
    4. Date of start and of end of the course
    5. Indication of the assessment method if available
    6. A copy of your study plan at CLEF, past, current and future years.
  • 3-Send the file to the instructor (Calzolari) and the tutor (Natoli, filippo.natoli2@unibo.it) who will reply to you stating whether you are allowed or not to attend the course. Since some activities may require a significant amount of independent work for the student, it is not possible a priori to set a sufficient requirement in terms of hours of online activity. Each proposal will be judged on a case by case basis.
  • 4-Attend the course performing and passing all the activities that are contemplated. In this step the student is completely independent and interacts with the instructors of the chosen course.
  • 5-At the end of the course prepare a zip archive and send it to the instructor and the tutor, with the following information:
    1. A digital copy showing all the activities you performed to attend the course with associated valuation;
    2. A digital copy of communication (emails, chats etc.) with the TA and or the instructors of the activity during the course.
    3. A digital copy of the final certificate of accomplishment of the course.
    4. A few pages written report containing a diary of all activities performed by the student in the learning process, from enrolment till the end of the course.
  • 6-The instructor (Calzolari) will then verify whether you effectively passed the activity of the chosen course and in this case will validate the 4 credits at CLEF for “Open your mind”on Almaesami. END!
ATTENTION: Since the courses on the MOOCs are often unique and not repeated, it is important that you attend and perform well. In case of fail at step 6- above, there will be no make-up exams or other validations, it will be a "one shot" valuation of your activity.

Course contents

The specific course content is chosen at will by students.


Depending on specific courses.

Teaching methods

Depending on the specific course chosen by student.

Assessment methods

Certification of attendance and pass provided by the chosen platform.


See steps from 1 to 6 in the previous description.


This is a Pass/Fail course (no grading).

Teaching tools

Online activites only.

Office hours

See the website of Giacomo Calzolari