Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Management and Marketing (cod. 8406)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will know the most effective ways to manage people in the company and in other organizations characterized by complexity and uncertainty. He also has the tools to understand his own leadership style and to identify some strategies to improve it from an entrepreneurial point of view

Course contents

  1. Introduction to leadership.
  2. The future self: a fundamental element for having an entrepreneurial approach to work.
  3. The importance of leaders in the life of organizations: the Pygmalion effect and the impact on organizational culture.
  4. The theories of traits. Leadership and personality.
  5. Behavioral theories of leadership.
  6. Contingent theories.
  7. Managing the relationship with collaborators: Leader-Member Exchange Theory
  8. Transformational leadership vs. transactional.
  9. Positive leadership and the latest theories: authentic leadership, servant leadership, family supportive leadership.
  10. Emotional intelligence
  11. The gender perspective to leadership
  12. The organizational change
  13. Management in times of crisis
  14. Conclusions and wrap-ups. What have we learned?


The teaching materials provided for this course will be different (scientific articles, popular articles published in Harvard Business Review) and slides created by the teacher and will be available on the virtual platform.unibo.it before the start of the lessons.


Some chapters of the Northouse P. (2016) Leadership text will also be used. Theory and Practice. SAGE. The text is in English but only a few chapters indicated in the classroom will be used

Teaching methods

The teaching materials provided for this course will be different (scientific articles, popular articles published in Harvard Business Review) and slides created by the teacher and will be available on the virtual platform.unibo.it before the start of the lessons.

Some chapters of the Northouse P. (2016) Leadership text will also be used. Theory and Practice. SAGE. The text is in English but only a few chapters indicated in the classroom will be used

Assessment methods

This course represents a journey to discover what it means to be a leader and what are some tools that can make up the personal toolbox of a good boss.

The final evaluation will be composed as follows:

  • Participation in the classroom, in debates, and in the various self-assessment tools that will be proposed (20%)
  • Position paper: what kind of leader do I want to be in the future and what actions need to be taken now? (30%)
  • Final exam with quiz of 15 multiple choice questions with assignment of 1 point for each correct answer and -0.25 for each incorrect answer (50%).

Office hours

See the website of Marcello Russo


Quality education Gender equality Decent work and economic growth

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.