59231 - Infancy and Family Pedagogy

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Moduli: Silvia Demozzi (Modulo 1) Alessandra Gigli (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Pedagogy - Science of education (cod. 9206)

Learning outcomes

After completing the course the student:

  • Reads the familiar phenomena in order to overcome the normality/deviance paradigm and to respect the complexity and polymorphism that distinguishes today's families;
  • Analyzes the characteristic features of contemporary families (legal, cultural, social, economic changes; authors, models, theories, etc.).
  • Identify new needs and new questions that arise in contemporary family contexts, in order to rethink educational theoretical and methodological issues most appropriate to support the parental role;
  • Design possible educational paths to support and strengthen school-family alliance;
  • Design possible educational paths to support and strengthen school-family alliance;
  • analyzes the aspects of contemporary childhoods
  • identifies new needs and new demands of contemporary childhoods
  • Designs educational paths to ensure respect for children's rights

Course contents

The course aims to analyse and reflect on the complexity of the condition of children and families in the contemporary context and to find educational perspectives and pedagogical support.

The course is composed by two entangled modules

Modulo 1 "Pedagogia dell'Infanzia" (24 hours)

Professor: Silvia Demozzi


  • Multiple Childhoods
  • Childhood: from a biological age to a socio-cultural category
  • Childhood and Rights
  • “Adultization” and risks of the disappearance of childhood
  • Sharenting 
  • Gender and childhood
  • Childhood and play
  • Childhood and sport
  • Childhood and Illness
  • Childhood and violence (war, poverty, exploitation..)
  • What education for children today? Which educational programs to foster participation?

Modulo 2 "Pedagogia delle famiglie" (24 hours)

Professor: Alessandra Gigli


  • The concept of plurality of families
  • Map of Italian families today
  • Family systems in the macro social and cultural processes
  • Characteristics of functional families: analysis of protective and risk factors
  • " Educational Emergencies " in contemporary families: new landscape of maternity and paternity; the crisis of rules; marital instability (separations, family recomposition and single-parent families)
  • Pedagogical tasks for supporting educational functions of the family
  • Family education and parenting support
  • Educational alliances: the pedagogical coordinates for a cooperative relationship with families


Compulsory readings (both for attending and non attending students):


1. Demozzi S., L’infanzia “inattuale”. Perché le bambine e i bambini hanno diritto al rispetto, Ed. Junior, 2016.

2. A.Bondioli, D.Savio (a cura di), Crescere bambini. Immagini di infanzia in educazione e formazione degli adulti, Ed. Junior 2017 Introduction + chapter 1, 2, 3 e 4.

3. S.Demozzi (a cura di), Contesti per pensare, Franco Angeli, 2021 (in stampa). Introduction + 2 chapter among 1, 3, 4, 5, 8.


1. Gigli A., Famiglie evolute. Capire e sostenere le funzioni educative delle famiglie plurali, Ed. Junior, 2016

2. I seguenti articoli scaricabili da: Silva C., Gigli A. (2021) (a cura di): “Le relazioni familiari e la genitorialità al tempo del COVID-19”, Rivista Italiana di educazione familiare, Vol 18, No 1 (2021): n° 1 gennaio-giugno 2021:

  • - Silva, C., & Gigli, A. (2021). Il “virus rivelatore”. Nuovi scenari, emergenze e prospettive di ricerca sulle relazioni educative e familiari. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 18(1), 5-17. https://doi.org/10.36253/rief-11322
  • - Gigli, A., & Trentini, M. (2021). Despite the Virus. A Survey with Parents on Early Childhood Education Services and Families, in Covid-19. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 18(1), 29-60. https://doi.org/10.36253/rief-10492
  • - Pastori, G., Pagani, V., Mangiatordi, A., & Pepe, A. (2021). Parents’ view on distance learning during lockdown. A national survey. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 18(1), 61-96.
  • - Biffi, E., Gambacorti-Passerini, M. B., & Bianchi, D. (2021). Parents under Lockdown: the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Families. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 18(1), 97-111. https://doi.org/10.36253/rief-10332
  • - Antonietti, M., Guerra, M., & Luciano, E. (2021). Insieme a distanza. Alleanze educative tra servizi per l’infanzia e famiglie durante il lockdown. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 18(1), 153-170. https://doi.org/10.36253/rief-10517

Teaching methods

  • Traditional lessons
  • Cooperative learning
  • Interactive methods
  • Readings

Attending lessons is strongly advised in order to make the study easier and to have the opportunity to exchange thoughts and opinions among peers.

Assessment methods

The examination consists of a written test consisting of two separate parts (module 1 and module 2).

The two modules must always be be taken simultaneously (in the same call): there is only one examination (8cfu).

Please note that in the case of partial passing of the test (e.g. Module 1 sufficient and Module 2 insufficient), it will not be possible to maintain the grade obtained in the Module resulting sufficient for the next exam.

If the regulations allow it, the exam will be held in person (in the classroom), for Module 1 with paper-based assignment, for Module 2 on the Online Exams platform.

Types of written tests

 Module 1

Assessment methods and criteria

- 3 short open-ended questions
(maximum 20 lines). Each question will be awarded a maximum mark of 10. During the course, exercises (individual or group, optional) may be proposed to the attending students, which will replace an examination question and will therefore contribute to the definition of the mark for the final examination.

- The mark for each question will be awarded on the basis of the knowledge of the texts, also considering the critical-reflexive ability as well as the ability to elaborate the themes in a written text, in an articulate and precise manner.

Honours are awarded when all the answers (and the exercises), are correct (both in form and content), and present elements of particular depth or reflective-argumentative originality, with particularly effective writing.

- The skills required for a successful completion of the test are: in-depth knowledge of the books; reflective and critical skills in relation to the content covered; correct use of the Italian language (grammar and syntax).

- The test will take place on paper.

- The duration of the module test varies according to the number of questions: each question will last 15 minutes. The duration may vary from 30 minutes in the case of attending students who have done the exercises (2 questions) to 45 minutes (3 questions).

 Module 2

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination includes a written test and consists of a test with 31 questions (multiple-choice, true-false) to be completed within 40 minutes.

- The mark will be given by the number of correct answers (all 31 correct answers equals 30 with honours; 18 correct answers equals 18). Non-answers are equivalent to incorrect answers (0 points).

- Students in the classroom must have a smartphone (or tablet or notebook) available to take the test on the Esami on Line platform (https://eol.unibo.it/ ). If you do not have one of these devices, please write to the teacher before the exam.

The quiz questions will appear one at a time and it will not be possible to go back and correct them. Once the quiz has been completed, the student can still revise (but not correct) it before handing it in.

- The module test lasts 40 minutes.

 Registration on AlmaEsami webpage is required in order to take the final exam.

Marks will be published on AlmaEsami webpage for student's approval or refusal. If no approval/refusal choice is made within 4 days after publication, marks will be automatically recorded.


Other information:

During the tests, mobile phones, tablets, smartwatches and other technological aids must be switched off and placed in the bags: failure to comply with this rule will result in immediate exclusion from the test.


Teaching tools

Books, videos, pictures, slides.

Office hours

See the website of Silvia Demozzi

See the website of Alessandra Gigli


No poverty Good health and well-being Quality education Gender equality

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.