28271 - History of Churches and Religious Movements (LM)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Umberto Mazzone
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: M-STO/07
  • Language: Italian

Learning outcomes


At the end of the course the student will have the required knowledge of historical methodology in order to relate the history of the Christian Churches with general features of cultural, institutional, political and religious  systems. At the exam, the student will be able to put forward his/her assessments and conclusions regarding studies and analyses in History of the Churches.. In addition, the student will be able to use the means and methods acquired in the historical field to widen his/her knowledge and apply effective critical thinking.

Course contents

Title:The  Christian Churches facing the War in modern and contemporary Age.


The course consists of two teaching modules (6+6 cfu): the first one,will examine the general problems of the Occidental Christian Churches during yhe First World War, the second one, will analyse the relations between Chruches and War/Conflict in modern and contemporary Age.


Course start: I Semester , 21 September 2020

Course timetable:

I Semester - I  module (September-October)

Monday 11-13  AULA GUALANDI

Tuesday 11-13  AULA GUALANDI

Wednesday 11-13 AULA GUALANDI



I Semester - II module (November-December)



Thursday 15-17 AULA SEMINARI SGM



6 CFU course:

Students attending the course will study THREE books

Students not attending the course will study FOUR books

1) D. Menozzi, Chiesa, pace e guerra nel Novecento, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008

one book, choosen from the following:

a) S. Robson, La prima guerra mondiale, Bologna , Il Mulino, 2002

b) G.E. Rusconi, L' azzardo del 1915. Come l' Italia decide la sua guerra, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005

and one book (Students not attending the course will study TWO books) choosen from the following

a) R. Morozzo della Rocca, La fede e la guerra. Cappellani militari e preti-soldati, Roma, Studium, 1980 (Udine, Gaspari,2015)

b) L. Bruti Liberati, Il clero italiano nella grande guerra, Roma, Editori Riuniti, 1982

c) J.F. Pollard, Il papa sconosciuto: Benedetto XV (1914-1922) e la ricerca della pace, Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo, 2001


Rivista di Storia del Cristianesimo, 2/2006, Numero monografico su: Religione, Nazione e guerra nel primo conflitto mondiale, pp. 305 - 422


Humanitas, anno LXIII, n.6, 2008, Numero monografico: La Chiesa e la guerra, pp. 900 - 992.

e) Annali di Storia dell' Esegesi, 26/2,2009,  "Religione e conflitto in età moderna e contemporanea" a cura di U. Mazzone.

f) D. Menozzi, Chiesa e diritti umani, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012

g) La Chiesa italiana e la Grande Guerra, a cura di D: Menozzi, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2015

h) La Chiesa e la “memoria divisa” del Novecento, a cura di A. Deoriti e G. Turbanti, Bologna, Pendragon, 2016

i) S. Lesti, Riti di guerra. Religione e politica nell’Europa della Grande Guerra, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015

12 cfu

Students  attending the course will study: 5 books, 3 as said above for 6 cfu, and 2 books, choosen from the following, too:

Students not attending the course will study 6 books, 4 as said above for 6 cfu, and 2 books choosen from the following:

Chiesa e guerra. Dalla benedizione delle armi alla Pacem in terris, a cura di M. Franzinelli e R. Bottoni, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005,  pp.3-181  and pp. 393-416 (G. Miccoli, Pio XII e la guerra)

A. Gibelli, L' officina della guerra, Torino 1998

P. Fussel, La Grande Guerra e la memoria moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005

A. Gibelli, La grande guerra degli italiani, Milano, BUR, 2007

E. Gentile, L'apocalisse della modernità. La Grande Guerra per l' uomo nuovo, Milano, Mondadori, 2008

A. Scottà, Papa Benedetto XV. La chiesa, la grande guerra e la pace (1914-1922), Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2009

E. J. Leed, Terra di nessuno. Esperienza bellica e identità personale nella prima guerra mondiale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1985

M. Isnenghi, Il mito della Grande Guerra, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1989

G. Cavagnini, Per una più grande Italia. Il cardinale Pietro Maffi e la prima guerra mondiale, Pisa, Pacini, 2015

Teaching methods

Lectures with discussion and source presentations. During the course discussions may be promoted on topics and texts related to the course contents.

Assessment methods

Students who attend at least 75% of the lessons are considered to be attending.

This exam is an oral exam through which the critical and methodological abilities acquired by the student during the course will be evaluated; the student will be invited to discuss the issues addressed during the course. The following abilities will be evaluated positively: a student's ability to familiarize him/herself with bibliographical material and sources with the aim of selecting information from the literature that can be used to illustrate aspects and areas of culture pertaining to the discipline.

The ability to reach a critical and systematic vision of the discipline and the ability to demonstrate the possession of a descriptive command and of appropriate field-specific language will be rewarded with a mark of excellence.

Knowledge gaps, inappropriate language and a lack of familiarity with the bibliographical material provided during the course will not receive a pass mark.

Teaching tools

Slides, photographs and documentary material, presentation of movies

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Umberto Mazzone


Gender equality Reduced inequalities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.