00556 - Greek Literature

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Simonetta Nannini
  • Credits: 12
  • SSD: L-FIL-LET/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Moduli: Simonetta Nannini (Modulo 1) Marco Ercoles (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Philosophy (cod. 9216)

    Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in History (cod. 0962)

Learning outcomes

The student will become acquainted with philological methods applyed to many literary texts , regarded within their historical and social background.

Course contents

A – Special focus course ('Corso monografico')

mod. a) 30 ore (6cfu), Prof. Marco Ercoles:

Musical education between Plato and Aristotle

- Greek mousike and the role of musical education in Plato (translated passages from books II-III, VII and X of Republic).

- The theory of musical ethos and its roots.

- After Plato: mousike in the VIII book of Aristotle's Politics.

mod. b) 30 ore (6cfu), Prof. Simonetta Nannini:

The last development of Platonic paideia: passages from books I, II and VII of Laws.

B – Core course

History of Greek literature.


A -


Text: Platone. La Repubblica, introd., trad. e note di M. Vegetti, Milano, BUR, 2006

The study of one of the following books is requested:

W.D. Anderson, Ethos and education in Greek music: the evidence of poetry and philosophy, Cambridge, Harvard University Press 1966;

A. Barker, Psicomusicologia nella Grecia antica, Napoli, Guida, 2005;

F. Pelosi, Plato on music, sould and body, Cambridge-New York, CUP, 2010;

M. Vegetti, Quindici lezioni su Platone, Torino, Einaudi 2003;

F. Ferrari, I miti di Platone, Milano, BUR, 2006;

G. Cerri, La poetica di Platone (ediz. ampliata e aggiornata di Platone sociologo della comunicazione, 1991), Lecce: Argo 2004.



Text: Platone. Le Leggi, introd. di F. Ferrari, trad. di F. Ferrari e Silvia Poli, Milano, BUR, 2005.

The study of one of the following books or of at least two articles is requested:

V. Andò, La relazione pedagogica nella Grecia classica fra violenza e cura, «Studi sulla Formazione/Open Journal of Education» [S.l.], pp. 73-86, may. 2009 (on-line);

R.G.Bury, Theory of education in Plato’s Laws, «REG» 1937, pp. 304-320 (on-line);

E. Becchi (a cura di), Storia dell’educazione, Firenze 1987;

G. Cambiano, Platone e le tecniche, Roma-Bari 1991;

A. Cozzo, Sapere e potere presso i moderni e presso i Greci antichi, Roma 2002;

S. Gastaldi, Legge e retorica. I proemi delle Leggi di Platone, «Quaderni di Storia» 10 (1984), pp. 69-119;

F.M. Giuliano, Platone e la poesia. Teoria della composizione e prassi della ricezione, Sankt Augustin 2005;

J. Pfefferkorn, La choreia come incantesimo. La creazione del consenso nelle Leggi di Platone, «Epekeina. International Journal of Ontology History and Critics» 7, nn. 1-2 (2016), pp. 1-17 (on-line);

M. Stella, La violenza occultata: esoterismo del potere e rieducazione delle élites nelle Leggi platoniche, in G. Raina (a cura di), Dissimulazioni della violenza nella Grecia antica, Pavia, pp. 175-228.


B – The student can consult one of the following histories of ancient Greek literature: A. Porro-W. Lapini, Letteratura greca, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017; F. Montanari, Storia della letteratura greca, Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2017; G.A. Privitera-R. Pretagostini, Storia della letteratura greca, Torino, Einaudi, 1997; L.E. Rossi, Letteratura greca, Firenze, Le Monnier, 1995.



Students who cannot attend the course are invited to talk with the teachers in order to receive the photocopies with  passages discussed during the lectures.

Teaching methods

Lectures and seminars.

Assessment methods

The knowledge of Greek is not indispensable for 5 and 6 cfu.

The conclusive examination is an oral interview. It is required a close, critical investigation of the texts examined during the course. The students who will prove to achieve a thorough and complete knowledge of the topics discussed during the lessons will gain excellent marks; the students who will show an incomplete knowledge of the topics and will not be able to contextualize the main authors of Greek literature will gain lower marks or a even fail, depending on the importance of the subject.

Teaching tools

Texts and photocopis, e-learning documents.

Office hours: see the website of Marco Ercoles [https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/marco.ercoles/en] e di Simonetta Nannini [https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/simonetta.nannini/en]

Office hours

See the website of Simonetta Nannini

See the website of Marco Ercoles