69987 - Laboratories.

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Moduli: Cinzia Albanesi (Modulo 1) Laura Franchomme (Modulo 2) Elvis Mazzoni (Modulo 3) Elvis Mazzoni (Modulo 4)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3) Traditional lectures (Modulo 4)
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in School and community psychology (cod. 0993)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the training activity, the student is able to:

  • use effective communication modes among those who carry out different tasks within the same educational and community context;
  • addressing the analysis of a case study related to the school and community context;
  • adopt the professional behaviors associated with the profession of psychologist in school and community.

Course contents

The course will take place during the first and the second semester, in the below specified days, at the Cesena Campus of the School of Psychology and Education (address: p.za A. Moro, 90 Cesena, FC).

Total 10 credits, 75h.

The Laboratory is composed of 4 modules :


I cycle (24.09.2018 – 14.12.2018)



1st semester - 30h - Monday 14:00-17:00 (Aula F)

Aims: The student acquires soft skills to work with different groups of people, through active community engagement and critical reflection.

Lab Contents:

The lab will allow students to reflect on principles and concepts of community psychology and apply its methods and tools and use them in the community through Service Learning (SL). The SL methodology encourages experiential learning (Learning) through active school/community engagement (Service). Students work on a concrete problem identified through the collaboration of a universities and community /school/local organization partnership.

SL include the following activities:

  • Illustration of principles, concepts and methods of service learning: community engagement, service, experiential learning;
  • Meeting with community stakeholders and illustration of the service learning opportunities available in the community;
  • Service Learning, experience in the field. Getting familiar with the context, the design of the interventions, their implementation and their assessment;
  • Group and individual supervision and consultation;
  • Public presentation of the experience to community stakeholders.

Lessons plan:

The Laboratory will take place during the first semester (September 2018-December 2018). Classes will take place at the Cesena Campus of the School of Psychology and Education (address: piazza Aldo Moro, 90 and viale Europa, 115).

  • 1st lesson: Monday 24 September 2018 (14:00-17:00)
  • The next lessons will be defined in the course of the laboratory and will be specific for the groups that will be formed during the laboratory activity.
  • The final public presentation will take place in January 2019.


II cycle (18.02.2019 - 17.05.2019)


2nd semester - 15h - Monday 14:00-17:00
(Aula Informatica 1)

Aims: provide tools for quantitative data analysis.

Initial knowledge: students have to be familiar with basic statistical concepts (mode, median, percentile, mean, variability, standard deviation, significant differences between means, ecc.). These basic knowledge will be verified by a test during the first lesson.

Lab contents:

  • Introducing Excel and SPSS to elaborate and analyse data
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Cross-tabs and correlations
  • T-Test, Analysis of Variance and Post-Hoc Test
  • Factorial Analysis and Cronbach's Alpha.

Lessons plan:

  • 1st lesson: Monday 18 February 2019 (14:00-17:00)
  • 2nd lesson: Monday 25 February 2019 (14:00-17:00)
  • 3rd lesson: Monday 04 March 2019 (14:00-17:00)
  • 4th lesson: Monday 11 March 2019 (14:00-17:00
  • 5th lesson: Monday 18 March 2019 (14:00-17:00)



2nd semester - 15h - Monday 14:00-17:00
(Aula Informatica 1)

Aims: provide tools for qualitative data analysis.

Initial knowledge: Know how to use a PC Writing Program (eg: Word). Such knowledge will be verified with interviews during the first lesson.

Lab contents:

  • methods and techniques in qualitative research
  • the interview
  • how to codify an interview
  • content analysis
  • software for content analysis

Lessons plan:

  • 1st lesson: Monday 25 March 2019 (14:00-17:00)
  • 2nd lesson: Monday 01 April 2019 (14:00-17:00)
  • 3rd lesson: Monday 08 April 2019 (14:00-17:00)
  • 4th lesson: Monday 15 April 2019 (14:00-17:00
  • 5th lesson: Monday 29 April 2019 (14:00-17:00)



2nd semester - 15h - Tuesday 10:00-13:00 (Aula F)

Aims: Provide tools to acquire skills on deontology in the psychological profession.

Initial knowledge:

The student should already have general information of the Italian Psychologist Deontological Code: its structure, aims and general principles regulating the work of the Psychologist. At the beginning of the lessons the attending students will be tested on their knowledge through a group discussion, also aimed to identify expectations on the content of the workshop itself. In case of necessity the students may be required to integrate their knowledge with the drafting of a brief report on specific topics.

Lab Contents:

  • Deontological code: brief notes on the history of the birth of the Italian Deontological Code, its aims and general principles, the illegal and the disciplinary regulation
  • Relationship of the psychologist with the customer: the informed consent
  • Professional secrecy in the Deontological Code and in the Criminal Law
  • Publicity of the Psychologist: Regulation on Advertising
  • The psychological intervention mediated by the Web

Lessons plan:

  • 1st lesson: Tuesday 19 February 2019 (10:00-13:00)
  • 2nd lesson: Tuesday 26 February 2019 (10:00-13:00)
  • 3rd lezione: Tuesday 05 March 2019 (10:00-13:00)
  • 4th lesson: Tuesday 12 March 2019 (10:00-13:00)
  • 5th lesson: Tuesday 19 March 2019 (10:00-13:00)


Module on Service Learning. References will be provided at the beginning and during the S-L activity, depending on the specific of the S-L project that students will develop. 

Module on Data Analysis 1. Howitt, D., & Cramer, D. (2010). Introduction to statistics in psychology. Pearson Education.

Module on Data Analysis 2. References will be indicated during classes.

Module on Ethical Issues. Ethical and Deonthological Code of the Order of Psychologists.

Teaching methods

Teaching methods will be lectures, in-class exercises, case study, small group assignments, homeworks, assignments on scientific papers. Students are expected to come to class prepared and on time, ready to discuss and ask questions, and interested in learning.
All students are expected to follow the ethical code of the University of Bologna. Plagiarism (representation of another's work or ideas as one's own in academic submissions) is not acceptable.
In addition, students are expected to treat each other, themselves and the course instructor and teaching assistant with respect and courtesy, including respecting diversity of all types.

As regards the module on Service Learning, it integrates the traditional learning with a "community engagement" experience on real-world issues through fieldwork. Methods used will be the following: short lectures, small group work, guided discussions, group supervision, collection and analysis of qualitative and/or quantitative data, documentation and dissemination with local stakeholders. Each Student will be assigned to a service learning project and will continuously work on it. S-L includes classroom activities (about 10h) and field work (about 20h).

Assessment methods

In-Class attendance is compulsory. Only 1 missed class for every module is allowed (except for the module Service Learning in which 2 missed class are allowed). In-Class attendance will be detected by signature.

To enroll in the final exam, the ALMAESAMI online application has to be used, within the predefined deadline. Students that will have technical problems during the online enrollment are invited to immediately communicate the problem to the Lab Coordinator (elvis.mazzoni@unibo.it) before the day of the exam.


The final exam

  • is based on references suggested by the professors and on contents and activities carried on during lessons
  • will be possible only for students with in-class attendance
  • Those who did not have the necessary frequencies to enroll in the final exam, will have to repeat the lab the following year.

The final exam aims to verify the achievement of the following didactical goals:

  • know how to use effective communication modes between those playing different roles within the same educational and/or community context
  • know how to face with a case study related to school and community contexts
  • adopt professional behaviors related to the profession of psychologist
  • know how to use appropriate data analysis methods in relation to the objectives to be achieved and the contexts to be analysed.

The final exam is based on an eligibility evaluation composed as follows:

  1. positive evaluation to the module Service Learning;
  2.  positive evaluation to the final complessive test for the 3 module Data Analysis 1, Data Analysis 2 and Deontology.


2) Module on Service Learning:

Eligibility is acknowledged to those who:

  • have attended classes, supervision meeting, and have actively participated to the field work
  • participated actively and contributed to the final written report that illustrates the project/intervention developed by each group. The instructions for the preparation of the group report will be provided during classes.
  • have produce an individual written critical reflection on their S-L experience, using a field diary and completing an evaluation questionnaire.


2) Final Test of the module Data Analysis 1, Data Analysis 2 and Deontology.

The complessive test for the three labs is in writing and it will be based on multiple choice questions and on the description of a project of intervention:

  • 30 multiple choice questions (10 for each module). Each question is worth 1 point >> (45 minutes)


The test is passed by:

  • a positive evaluation in all the modules (6 correct answers for each module);
  • a final evaluation equal or greater than 18.

Teaching tools

Prof. Cinzia Albanesi web site

Dr. Elvis Mazzoni web site

Prof. Laura Franchomme web site

Office hours

See the website of Elvis Mazzoni

See the website of Cinzia Albanesi

See the website of Laura Franchomme


Quality education Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.