69459 - Spanish Language and Culture III (First Language)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Docente: Maria Enriqueta Perez Vazquez
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: L-LIN/07
  • Language: Spanish
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student knows the fundamental elements (terms, ideas and methods) for the analysis of the structure, of the functions and of the textual and discursive organization of the spanish language - he/she is able to understand, analyze and provide particularly oral conversations (but also written texts) belonging to the relevant textual kinds, also in multimedial ambits - he/she is capable to spontaneously express him/herself in a very flowing and precise way also in complex commuticative situations.

Course contents

This course aims to consolidate the student's communicative linguistic competence developed during the previous academic years in an italian-german contrastive perspective.The focus is on a deep revision of some specific topics which are significant to the interpreter and translator.Moreover, attention will be also given to the analysis of a variety of texts to pinpoint their peculiarities and to develop the ability to paraphrase, in order to enrich the written and oral production.



- Notes of the course.
- Las lenguas de especialidad en español, 2008, Calvi et. alii, Roma, Carocci.
- DRAE Diccionario Real Academia Española (1992). Diccionario de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
- Clave, Diccionario de uso del español actual, Madrid: Ediciones S.M.
- Moliner, María (2002). Diccionario de uso del español (DUE-Versión CD Rom), Madrid: Gredos.
- Seco, Manuel; Andrés, Olimpia, Ramos Gabino; (2000). Diccionario abreviado del español actual, Madrid: Grupo Santillana.

- Carrera Díaz, Manuel, Italiano y Español. Estudios Lingüísticos. Sevilla, España. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla. 1984.
- Carrera Díaz, Manuel, Grammatica Spagnola. Bari, Italia. Laterza. 1997.
- Di Stefano, Mariagrazia, Marilena Gnocchi, Pablo Muñoz Zamora. Italiano-spagnolo:differenze sintattiche, Egea, 1994.
- Gómez Torrego, Leonardo. Gramática didáctica del español, Madrid, SM, 1997
- Gómez Torrego, Leonardo. Manual de español correcto, Madrid, Arco/Libros, 2002.

Readings/Bibliography(Modulo Trattativa)

Collados Aís, A.,  Fernández Sánchez, M. M. (coords.) (2001). Manual de interpretación bilateral, Granada: Editorial Comares.

González Rodríguez, M. J. (2006). “El ‘don de la ubicuidad' en la Interpretación Bilateral. Esbozo didáctico para emprender los primeros pasos”. Rivista Mediazioni. http://www.mediazionionline.articoli/02gonzalez.htm, DOI10.1473/media31.

Hofstede, G. (2005). Cultures and organizations : software of the mind - [Revised and expanded 2. ed.]. - New York [etc.]: McGraw-Hill.

Jiménez Ivars, A., de Bordons O'Mogain, B., Hurtado Albir, A. (1999). “La enseñanza de la interpretación”, in Hurtado Albir, A. (dir.). Enseñar a traducir. metodología en la formación de traductores eintérpretes, Madrid: Edelsa: 196- 220.

Mack, G., Russo M. (a cura di), atti della giornata di studio l'interprete e il traduttore di trattativa: formazione e professione, Scuola superiore di lingue moderne per interpreti e traduttori (sslmit), Forlì 14 febbraio 2003, Torino, Hoepli editore.

Valero Garcés C., Dergam, A. (2003), “¿Mediador social = mediador interlingüístico = intérprete? práctica, formación y reconocimiento social del intérprete en los servicios públicos”, in A. Collados et al. (eds.), La evaluación de la calidad en interpretación: docencia y profesión, actas del I congreso internacional sobre evaluación de la calidad en interpretación de conferencias, Almuñécar, 2001, Granada: Editorial Comares: 257- 266.

Teaching methods

Grammatical study (morphosyntactic, semantic and lexicological) of the spanish language aimed to an acquisition of linguistic competence.

Assessment methods

The exam shall include a written grammatical test and an oral exam.

Teaching tools

The study will be performed through the analysis and the commentary of the texts (audiovisual and written) of spanish current events and culture.

Office hours

See the website of Maria Enriqueta Perez Vazquez