You searched for: 81916, corso Advanced Design (cod. 9256) - LM, in A.Y. 2022/2023

Results 1
  • 81915 - Design Processes Laboratory B C.I.
    Area: Engineering and Architecture
    Campus of Bologna
    Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Advanced Design (cod. 9256)

    Composed of

    • 81916 - Interaction Design Michele Zannoni Credits: 6 SSD: ICAR/13
      • 81916 - Interaction Design (Modulo 1) Michele Zannoni
      • 81916 - Interaction Design (Modulo 2) Ermanno Tasca
    • 81917 - Interaction Multimedia Services Massimo Carnevali Credits: 5 SSD: ING-INF/05
      • 81917 - Interaction Multimedia Services (Modulo 1) Massimo Carnevali
      • 81917 - Interaction Multimedia Services (Modulo 2) Federica Protti