Local loan

Number of items and loan period depend on the user and the type of documents.

Who can register
Loan period and number of items
Self-service checkout machine
Loan renewal
Loan reservation
Obbligations and penalties
Documents not available for loan

Who can register

  • students, exchange students, professors, researchers, research fellows, tutors and staff of the University of  Bologna
  • over 18 readers of Bologna or Romagna library networks

Students of the University of Bologna must show  their university badge at the Loan Desk, while readers of Bologna or Romagna library networks must show their ID and  borrower’s card.

Underage readers must come up with a parent to approves their registration by filling in a specific form.

Loan period and number of items

Students, exchange students, professors, researchers, research fellows, tutors and staff of the  University of  Bologna, readers of the Bologna and Romagna library networks:
8 items, up to 5 textbooks (LTPRE)

  • books for 30 days
  • dictionaries (DIZ), cds and dvds for 7 days

Professors, researchers, research fellows, tutors and staff of  Forlì Campus:
15 items, up to 5 textbooks (LTPRE)

  • books for 90 days
  • textbooks for 30 days
  • dictionaries (DIZ), cds and dvds for 7 days

The Library grants the extension of the loan terms to institutional users with certified disabilities. 

Self-service checkout machine

Registered students, professors and external readers may record their loans by themselves, using their university badge, electronic identity card or health insurance card.
All borrowed items must be returned to the Loan Desk.

Loan renewal

You can see your reader status and renew your loans  by accessing your reserved area on the Library catalogue from the Accedi button, logging in with your university creditials or your SPID account.

Two days before the due date, you may renew your loan, only once, for the same period,  provided no-one else has booked the item(s).

After the due date, loan renewals can only be made by phone or in person.

Loan reservation

From the Library catalogue, registered users, logging in with their university creditials or they SPID account, may:

  • enter a borrowing request for available documents and pick them up by the following day
  • book items already loaned to other readers; when items are returned, they  will receive a text message and they should collect them by the next day.

Obligations and penalties

Readers must not damage or underline the items they have borrowed and must return them by the due date.  If they do not comply, the Library will ask for a refund or will suspend their borrowing privileges.

Documents not available for loan

The following documents may not be borrowed: periodicals, the first copy of textbooks, reference works (encyclopaedias, dictionaries, atlases, etc.), ancient, rare and valuable books, some special collections, personal documents collections, degree dissertations and course packs.


Sante Boldrini

ACFO - Settore Servizi bibliotecari - Ufficio Servizi al pubblico

+39 0543 374 012