
News from the Library.

Library closing

The Library will be closed from 25 to 28 April for national holiday.

Newspapers and magazines

The availability of newspapers and magazines in the Newspapers Room is currently suspended. However, most of them are available online on University databases. Instructions to access are available in the attachments box of the Periodicals page

Temporary access service to electronic resources for non-institutional users (walk-in users)

The Library provides non-institutional users (walk-in users) with credentials for temporary access to the University network and online bibliographic resources for study or research purposes only. Credentials should be considered strictly personal and each user is responsible for their proper use.

To request them, it is necessary to arrange an appointment by e-mail at and come to pick them up to the Library with a valid ID. 

Break Room

On the first floor of the Library a break room is available with a capacity of 16 seats and  equipped with air conditioning and a microwave oven.

The room is open from Monday to Friday 9:00 - 22:00, on Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 17:30.



"Ruffilli" Central Library

Library Manager: Angela Maria Politi


Via San Pellegrino Laziosi, 13 47121 Forlì

Office hours

Monday - Friday: 09:00-24:00
Saturday - Sunday: 09:00-18:00

