Self-certification verifications from the Public Administration or other entities

How to request data or verify self-declarations and self-certifications provided in compliance with articles 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree 445/2000.

What to include in verification and data requests

Requests must include the following:

  • Name of entity and office submitting the request;

  • All clear and exhaustive information necessary to identify the data requested;
    if the request is to verify a self-certification or a declaration in lieu of an affidavit, the declaration must be included;

  • Name and qualification of the requester;

  • Address to which the reply is to be sent.

Private entities or recruitment agencies who require to verify candidate self-declarations or self-certifications for recruiting purposes must provide the consent of the person whose data they are requesting to verify.


How and where to send requests

  • via certified email (PEC) to the PEC address of the General Administration: 
    (recommended option; the mailbox can receive emails only from other PEC mailboxes);

  • via email, if PEC is not available, or by post to the Office that holds the data:

    • First Cycle, Single Cycle Degree Programme, Second Cycle Degree Programme, Diplomas and equivalent
      Student Administration Office relevant to the degree programme
    • PHD Programme Degrees
      AFORM - Settore Dottorato di ricerca | Strada Maggiore 45 - 40125 Bologna 

    • Medical Specialization Schools
      SAM - Settore medici in formazione specialistica - Ufficio Carriere medici in formazione specialistica | via Massarenti 9 - Pad. Murri - 40138 Bologna

    • State Exams and Professional Certification
      con AFORM - Settore Master, Scuole di specializzazione non mediche ed Esami di stato - Ufficio Scuole di specializzazione non mediche ed Esami di stato | Strada Maggiore 45 - 40125 Bologna

    • Non Medical Specialization Schools
      AFORM - Settore Master, Scuole di specializzazione non mediche ed Esami di stato - Ufficio Scuole di specializzazione non mediche ed Esami di stato  | Strada Maggiore 45 - 40125 Bologna

    • 24 CFU Programme, Lifelong and Continuing Education for Teachers 
      Centro Formazione insegnanti

      PEC  (receives only from PEC addresses) | | Via Zamboni 33 - 40126 Bologna

    • Postgraduate studies: Master’s Degrees, Post-graduate programmes (CAF), Lifelong Learning Programme(CFP), Summer and Winter Schools
      AFORM - Settore Master, Scuole di specializzazione non mediche ed Esami di stato - Ufficio Master |Strada Maggiore 45 - 40125 Bologna

    • Teacher careers within the University
      APOS - Settore Stato Giuridico Docenti - Ufficio Carriere | Piazza Verdi 3 - 40126 Bologna

    • Technical and administrative staff careers within the University
      APOS - Settore Affari Giuridici - Ufficio Stato giuridico del personale | Piazza Verdi 3 – 40126 Bologna

    • Research fellowships or Collaborations at the University
      APOS - Settore Selezione e contratti - Ufficio Reclutamento, contratti di lavoro flessibile e assegni di ricerca | Piazza Verdi 3 - 40126 Bologna

    • Teaching and tutoring contracts with the University
      APOS - Settore Selezione e contratti – Ufficio Didattica e contratti d'insegnamento | Piazza Verdi 3 - 40126 Bologna

    • Fixed-term assistant professor contracts with the University
      APOS - Settore Selezione e contratti – Ufficio Ricercatori a tempo determinato | Piazza Verdi 3 - 40126 Bologna

    • Other General Administration Offices


Response time

Requests are processed within 30 days from their receipt being officially logged by the University. 


URP Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico

Valentina Filippi (responsabile)
Enrico Bresciani
Chiara Mazzotti
Alessandra Zambelli
Anna Bandiera
Vincenza Ferraro

PEC of the University of Bologna (receives only from PEC boxes)


Largo Trombetti 1 - 40126 Bologna

Office hours

Tuesday 10.00 - 13.00 and 14.30 - 16.00
Wednesday 10.00 - 13.00
Thursday 14:30 - 16:00
Friday 10:00 - 13:00

Monday and Friday 9:00 - 10:00

+39 051 2080310

+39 051 2086224