Monitoring data

The statistical data concerning access to the website (English version), as laid down in the Guidelines on Public Administration websites, is given below.

The data does not include access to the websites of Departments, Schools or other university structure websites.

Data source:

  • Matomo
MonthUnique visitorsVisitsPageviews
May 2024  201.930 352.436 1.050.061
April 2024  212.495  369.434 1.124.361
March 2024 235.804 411.290 1.264.321
February 2024  228.140 447.362
January 2024 209.219 362.106 1.138.728
December 2023 156.223 263.467  808.797
November 2023 166.180  303.263 890.016 
October 2023 168.730 338.975  938.706 
September 2023  186.076 430.533  1.260.207
August 2023 161.406 275.285  880.499
July 2023  177.618 321.696 958.083 
June 2023 181.435 323.029 946.291
May 2023  181.548 318.110  957.853 


APPC - Settore Portale d’Ateneo


Via Marsala 49 Bologna