How to get collaboration or consulting contracts

Information for collaboration or consulting contracts.

Self-employment contracts and assignments are governed by article 2222 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code, in compliance with the provisions of article 7 of Legislative Decree 165/2001, as amended by Legislative Decree 75/2017.

As of 2011, art. 9 paragraph 28 of D.Lgs. 78/2010,  converted by Italian Law no. 122/2010, introduced a new limit to the possibility to adopt collaboration contracts (""):  50% of the costs borne for the same purpose in 2009.

The provisions of article 1, paragraph 188 of the Financial law of 2006, which sets the exclusion from the limit of contracts signed for the implementation of research, technological innovation projects and those aiming to improve teaching and other services, still apply to students whose costs are not covered by the Ordinary University Fund.


APOS - Settore Selezione e contratti - Ufficio Reclutamento, contratti di lavoro flessibile e assegni di ricerca


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051 2098973
051 2098978