Baby Pit Stop – A special area for moms at the University of Bologna

New mothers at the University of Bologna, from students to PhD students, research fellows, academics, staff, visiting friends and relatives, can now use this quiet spot to feed and change their babies.

Baby pit stopNew moms at the Alma Mater and their visiting friends and relatives (e.g. during graduation sessions) can now use this specially-equipped area to feed and change their babies.  

The Baby Pit Stop is complete with a changing table, sink, bottle warmer, a small play area for the baby’s big brothers and sisters, and a waiting area for accompanying friends and family. 


  • Via B. Andretta 4 (formerly Belmeloro 10-12), Bologna
    Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 – 19:00
  • Via della Beverara 123/1, Bologna, at the Navile, UE1. 
    Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10:00  - 19:00 
  • Via Zamboni 33 Bologna, at the Museum of Palazzo Poggi
    Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday, 10:00 – 16:00; Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 –18:00
  • Via Zamboni, 63 Bologna, at the "Giovanni Capellini Museum" Geology Collection 
    Opening hours:  Tuesday to Friday, 10:00 – 16:00; Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 – 18:00