International Relations

Professor Raffaella Campaner

Raffaella Campaner

In keeping with the goals set out as part of the University’s strategic planning process, she ensures that strategic development guidelines are applied when initiating and consolidating international agreements and networks; she coordinates the implementation of agreements and programmes with universities and other international research and/or learning organisations, making sure that the results are put to good use; she promotes and supports the international mobility of students, teachers and professional staff; she ensures that the various internationalisation activities carried out at the University are aligned and in synergy; she promotes initiatives aimed at ensuring equal access to internationalisation activities, by coordinating with the Vice-Rector for Staff and the Delegate for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity; she promotes and enhances cooperation and development projects and initiatives; she maintains relations with the relevant bodies and institutions locally, nationally and internationally; she promotes communication strategies concerning the University’s engagement and international activities, in their various forms.

The Vice Rector for International Relations functionally coordinates the activities of the following Delegates:


    Professor Raffaella Campaner

    Vice Rector for International Relations


    +39 051 2099879
    +39 051 2099960