Diagnostic biomarker

The ratio between two circulating microRNAs can distinguish patients with inflammatory myopathies from other myo-related pathologies.

Patent title Diagnostic biomarker of inflammatory myopathies
Thematic area Health
Ownership Azienda Ospedaliera- Universitaria di Bologna Policlino S. Orsola- Malpighi, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA
Inventors Rita Rinaldi, Cristina Morsiani, Giovanna Cenacchi, Miriam Capri, Roberta Costa
Protection Italy (opportunity for seeking patent protection internationally)
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Biomarker, Circulating microRNAs, Inflammatory myopathies, Rare disease, Diagnostic
Filed on 17 May 2021

Currently, the diagnosis of inflammatory myopathy is rather complex, time-consuming and expensive, including blood tests, magnetic resonance and muscle biopsy, the latter invasive for the patient.

Diagnostic method based on circulating MicroRNAs able to provide a rapid and easy to analyze method to support the clinician. In particular, it has been identified an index given by the ratio between two MicroRNAs measured in plasma able to discriminate myositic patients from non-myositic ones, i.e. those patients affected by other muscle diseases that present with similar clinical manifestations.

The identified index can be used as non-invasive diagnostic marker of inflammatory myopathy, analyzing only these two circulating microRNAs in plasma sample, with further reduction of costs and time.

Page published on: 18 May 2021