Coating material for enhancing the filter capacities of facial masks

The invention regards a coating material for enhancing filter capacities of facial masks and its production process.

Patent title Coating material for enhancing the filter capacities of facial masks and production process of facial masks
Thematic area Industry, Digital and Security
Inventors CRISTIAN TREVISANUT, SIMONE LIGI, Franco Belosi, Simone Dell'Elce, Giacomo Foli, Loris Giorgini, Ferruccio Doghieri, Marco Giacinti Baschetti, Matteo Minelli, Martina Cappelletti
Protection Italy, with the possibility to extend internationally
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Antibacterical effect, Graphene, Anti-dropplet, Gas permeation
Filed on 09 October 2020

The principal function of facial masks, such as surgical masks is to avoid the dispersion of pathogens during breathing. There are several types of facial masks on the market and in particular surgical masks are characterized by three layers of overlapping materials. However, their filter capacities are not sufficient to prevent the infection and moreover they are disposable.

The invention regards a coating material for enhancing filter capacities of facial masks and its production process. The material is obtained by mixing more compounds and some of which contain lamellar particles of graphene that improve the protection efficiency against pathogens. 


  • Facial masks for biomedical uses;
  • Fabrics that need antibacterial and antiviral properties.



  • Improvement of filtering capacities;
  • Safely reusable masks;
  • Good breathable fabric;
  • Good wearability.
Page published on: 10 December 2020