Cloud-based system for sarcopenia diagnostics

The invention refers to a system allowing to evaluate the muscular mass of elderly people in an inexpensive and rapid way. It consists of an impedance meter not implying for the patient to be exposed to ionizing radiation, while ensuring greater accuracy in measurement.

Patent title Impedentiometric system for the assessment of muscle mass
Thematic area Health
Inventors Marco Domenicali, LENZI, PICCIOLI, VIROLI
Protection Italy
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Sarcopenia, Ageing, Impendancometer, Muscular mass
Filed on 10 September 2018

The system is conceived to obtain more reliable assessments of elderly muscle mass loss, known as sarcopenia. It is able to evaluate simultaneously muscle function, amount of muscle mass and muscle mass distribution, while recording data remotely from the patient (via WiFi) and making report using the Cloud software. The device updates the diagnostic criteria in real time and improves diagnostic outcomes. Thus, the system presents itself as a complete product that could however be integrated into

more complex solutions.

In presence of care givers, or not (in pharmacies or gyms), in order to enhance:

  • prevention of elderly disability;
  • optimisation of in-house diagnostics;
  • improvement of severe disability management;
  • therapeutic treatments efficiency.


  • liability of the method;
  • Non-invasivity for the end user;
  • No need to install any software;
  • Affordability compared to similar systems.
Page published on: 29 January 2019