New prognostic method for identification of patients at low/high risk of developing colorectal cancer

The invention consists of a diagnostic / prognostic method for identifying, from a blood sample, patients at low-risk and high-risk of developing colorectal cancer from a blood sample.

Patent title Prognostic method
Thematic area Health
Inventors Isacco Montroni, Mattia Lauriola, Gabriella Mattei, Maria Teresa Rodia, Luigi Ricciardiello, Rossella Solmi, Giampaolo Ugolini
Filed on 12 January 2018

Over the past decade, huge efforts have been made by the scientific community to develop new and powerful tools for cancer screening and detection. This applies to colorectal cancer (CRC) in particular, since it arises as a consequence of genetic and molecular alterations of the nascent tumour, which develop over time.

A panel of four mRNAs has been invented as a promising tool for the detection of patients with high-risk lesions, as well as low risk patients from healthy subjects, a gold standard for early detection. 

In the biomedical field, for the prognosis of patients at low-risk and high-risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Page published on: 10 August 2018