99753 - Positive Aging. Promoting Psychological Well-Being and Healthy Lifestyle in a Systemic-Integrated Perspective

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Manuela Zambianchi
  • Credits: 4
  • SSD: M-PSI/04
  • Language: English
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Wellness, Sport and Health (cod. 5813)

Learning outcomes

1) Knowledge of fundamental theoretical models on Positive Aging and key concepts of this area of studies. This competence will allow students to deepen the scientific literature and improve their competence in their future professional activity. 2) Acquire a set of multidisciplinary and systemic-integrated intervention methodological skills, with particular attention to the life-span approach and primary prevention. 3) Ability of planning for interventions aimed at promoting positive aging at bio-psycho-social level. Students will be able to utilize this acquired ability for interventions in sport centers, in communities, and in socio-cultural and educational centers, adopting a lifelong learning perspective (education at a healthy lifestyle and attention at increasing the different components of well-being through activities such as tourism, leisure activities, culture for Eudaimonic well-being, not competitive sport). 4) Ability to create an active and constructive dialogue with other professionals figures for the definition of projects aimed at promoting a new culture of aging not only disease and decline-centred, but on activation of resources of the old people for their psychological well-being and for their active contribution to the society.

Course contents

Theoretical models on Positive Aging. The systemic perspective as fundamental approach to successful aging. The concept of Resilient aging. Risk, protection, vulnerability and resilience in old age.

Positive Psychology and Positive Aging. The role of facets of well-being for aging successfully. The activities that can promote these facets of psychological and social well-being such as tourism, leisure activities, culture for eudaimonic well-being, not competitive sport.

Psychological factors that can contribute to the promotion of a positive aging: coping styles; self-efficacy; time perspective

Life Skills Education in old age. Skills and competencies for enhancing physical, cognitive and social health.

The communication with old people. Essential features of psychology of communication for building a positive relationship with the old person.


For the preparation for the exam, scientific articles, photocopies provided by the teacher, didactic material used during the lessons will be provided.

Assessment methods

The exam will be in written form with three open questions aimed at evaluating the candidate's knowledge and the ability to conceptually organize the topics of the course.

Teaching tools

During lessons Power points will be utilized as tools teaching. 

Office hours

See the website of Manuela Zambianchi


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.