97946 - States, Empires, Nations

Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

In order to launch a reflection enabling us to present history as an instrument for problematization, some skills and knowledge are to be acquired:

1. Understanding of the nature and quality of sources

2. Capacity of analysing texts and reading sources critically

3. Contextualising the texts

4. Perception of chronology

5. Knowledge of the events necessary to contextualisation

6. Awareness of the historiographical debate within the analysis is to be placed

Course contents

All classes will take place from 29 september 2023 to 15 December 2023 and will be held every Friday from 3 pm to 5 pm at Department of Biological Science, via Francesco Selmi 3.

“History is a shared commonwealth. The knowledge of is a principle of democracy and equality between citizens. It is a critical, inhomogeneous knowledge, which refuses conformism and thrives in dialogue. Historians have their own political opinions but have to submits them to the evidence of documents and debate, comparing them to others’ ideas and committing to their dissemination.” (Giardina, Camilleri, Segre, Appello. La storia è un bene comune). Above all, history is not merely just one discipline amongst many, which explains the meaning of this project, whose intention is to introduce history in those courses that do not provide it in their curricula, as a way to understand the present, the world we live in, by critically comparing it to our past. It is necessary to be aware that all subjects taught in university are rooted, without exception, in a historical flow without which they would no doubt still be able to allow students the acquisition of competence in the field, but not to enable the latter to acquire a critical understanding of the transformation of knowledge and the societies that express it. It is not always clear to all that history has nothing to do with an antiquarian approach to the past, with the learning of by now bygone events, but it is directly linked to understanding the present, to building a mindful citizenship, to acquiring a critical knowledge, a training ground to ‘practice’ dealing with the complexity of social and political dynamics otherwise destined to merely shoot before our eyes like mysterious meteors. Further to this point, the strengthening of social and civic competences, which are typical of historical studies, would represent the indispensable, and furthermore winning element of transversality across all specialist fields, within a formative itinerary aiming at both a high professionalization and its cognizant practice.

Structure of the course:

Venerdì 29 settembre 2023, ore 15-17


Guerra e democrazia nell'Atene di V secolo


Venerdì 6 ottobre 2023, ore 15-17


“Il ruolo delle donne nell’impero romano”. l difficile cammino femminile verso la visibilità


Venerdì 13 ottobre 2023, ore 15-17


I popoli barbari all'origine degli Stati nazionali? Note di metodo su un pericoloso luogo comune.


Venerdì 20 ottobre 2023, ore 15-17


La Lex regia de imperio. Il popolo come fonte del potere legittimo nella tradizione romana, nel pensiero medievale e nella cultura politica dell'Europa moderna


Venerdì 27 ottobre 2023, ore 15-17


La costruzione della nazione: miti medievali delle origini. La storia come strumento di legittimazione identitaria per individuare nel passato le origini delle nazioni.


Venerdì 3 novembre 2023, ore 15-17


Non solo social. Media, comunicazione e società di antico regime


Venerdì 10 novembre 2023, ore 15-17


Religioni e conversioni nella storia degli imperi dell'età moderna


Venerdì 17 novembre 2023, ore 15-17


L'Antico regime. Nascita postuma di categoria interpretativa


Venerdì 24 novembre 2023, ore 15-17


Fascismo / Fascismi: una “malattia” italiana, diversi casi nazionali, o un generico fenomeno internazionale? Lo studio del fascismo, ieri e oggi, tra storia comparata e dinamiche transnazionali


Venerdì 1 dicembre 2023, ore 15-17


Per una genealogia della guerra e della violenza in età contemporanea. Dalle guerre degli stati-nazione alle “nuove” guerre nel tempo presente


Giovedì 7 dicembre 2023, ore 15-17


Strategie, tattiche e memoria della guerra aerea nella seconda guerra mondiale.


Venerdì 15 dicembre 2023, ore 15-17


Dall’idea di nazione alla formazione degli Stati nazionali nell’Europa del XIX secolo: idee, modelli, principali interpretazioni.



Teaching methods


The course will be last 24 hours, equalling 3 CFU (Course Credits)

Assessment methods

interview centred on course work contents.

Type of assessment: Mark out of thirty.

Teaching tools


Office hours

See the website of Fulvio Cammarano