97176 - Robotic Surgery in Urology

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 9210)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will be able: 1) to implement the theoretical and practical knowledge of the prostate cancer, that has a very high social and epidemiological impact (prostate cancer is the most frequent tumor in men over 50 yo in Western countries) by focusing attention on the most innovative aspects both at a diagnostic and curative level; 2) to implement the theoretical and practical knowledge of the renal cancer, a disease with high social impact (due to its frequency and tendency to relapse), focusing attention on the most innovative aspect: diagnosis, treatment and prevention. 3) to implement the theoretical and practical knowledge on urinary malformations of the upper tract and the correction by minimally invasive surgical techniques.

Course contents

The topic is the use of Davinci robot for the management prostate, bladder and kidney cancers and kidney malformative diseases: indeed nowadays the principal indication for the use of the robot is the management of urologic cancers; conversely, all these tumors are currently treated principally with a minimally invasive approach with robot.

The surgical procedures will be detailed step-by-step with the support of prerecorded videos in order to learn the most important methods of surgical management at present

The main clinical problems for the treatment of these diseases will be detailed, e.g. obtaining negative margins and preserve continence and sexual function during robotic assisted radical prostatectomy, how to robotically dissect ilar kidney tumors, how to create an intracorporeal neobladder after robotic cystectomy and how to reconstruct the upper urinary tract with a robotic procedure.

All the most recent surgical techniques and robotic tips and triks will be discussed and detailed, e.g. the use of fluorescence during selective clamping in renal tumorectomy, the use of 3d model for preoperative assessment of kidney tumors, the incremental techniques of nerve-sparing prostatectomy, how to manage the bowel for neobladder reconstruction and so on.

The aspects related to robotic training and learning curve in Davinci surgery will be discussed

Teaching methods

In presence lessons and attendance in the operating theatre.

A step by step evaluation of the main problems in robotic surgery and their solution will be detailed

A deep evaluation of clinical cases with wide radiological description and analysis of the surgical treatment needed will be discussed

Assessment methods

a final test will be discussed with the help of the teachers in order to appreciate the learning ability of the students

Teaching tools

power-points containing all the arguments

surgical videos in the professor's website


students will be able to try out the robot console simulator in the operating room

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Riccardo Schiavina