Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Marco Acri
  • Credits: 4
  • Language: English
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in International Cooperation on Human Rights and Intercultural Heritage (cod. 9237)

Learning outcomes

The workshop aims at introducing students to the activities and projects of ITKI – International Traditional Knowledge Institute: mainly the creation of a data bank of traditional techniques and sustainable technologies that will become a prime source of visibility and certification for ideas, practices, and businesses committed to the preservation of landscapes, ecosystems and cultural heritage. Through ITKI, traditional solutions and innovative proposals are being disseminated by the 800+ UNESCO sites worldwide and by an international network of foundations, study centers, experts and practitioners. By the end of the workshop, students will be able to join the building and implementation of the ITKI DataBase, available to governors, local authorities, and citizens, and participate in projects concerning the application of innovative traditional knowledge to the sustainable development and management of natural and cultural heritage. In this regard, students’ internships could be carried out within projects currently run by the Institute.

Course contents

Definitions. The initial part of the programme is dedicated to the definitions and the main contents of the entire workshop. Attendants will be getting familiar with the main topics of the course, such as traditional knowledge, traditions, heritage, inheritance, sense of place and will be made closer to the false dichotomy tradition and innovation. Moreover, references to fundamentals will be made, including the concept of sustainable development and culture, tangible and intangible heritage, cultural industries and cultural services and the awareness of the importance of history. The final concepts explained in the definition section will be Genius Loci, Sense of Place and Significance. References to case studies will be made, with a focus on Venice and its Lagoon.

The Conservation Doctrine. As preliminary knowledge of the protection and preservation of traditions and heritage the course will be describing the conservation movement, making reference to the significant contributions in history, from Ruskin to Le Duc, from Riegl to Brandi, towards the most recent contributions. 

Conservation Movement. In parallel with the doctrine, although starting in a later stage in history, the conservation movement was based on individual and national understandings of the importance of heritage protection and conservation. Such acknowledgement led to the establishment of international public organizations, such as UNESCO, ICCROM, IUCN and ICOMOS, as well as other initiatives represented by GHF, WMF, etc. without forgetting SPAB. This part of the course will display their functioning and main tools, including the conventions and the recommendations that are in use today at international and national level.

Circular Economy and heritage. As a way to look at traditions and heritage through an innovative perspective the course is introducing some achievements offered by the connection between circular economy and heritage. Circular economy is in fact promoting resilience and sustainability in the use of resources, thus boosting more local craftsmanship and maintenance instead of substitutions.

Traditions and Nature Based Solutions. Another important association that is made is the course insists on the promotion of Nature based solutions for urban and rural regenerations. Traditional practices in agricultural landscapes and urban areas were based on cooperation and cohabiting with nature and natural forces, inspiring some innovations today. Moreover, it is important to recall such historic knowledge in treating nature as a solution for urgent problems we are facing today, such as climate change and waste of resources.

Cultural districts, cultural territorial systems and management plans. Territorial promotion, looking at the international experience, has been recently absorbing the suggestions from culture economics and developed ideas as the cultural districts and the cultural territorial systems that found confirmation on the management plan structures promoted by the international organizations.


Acri, M., Dobričić, S., Jokilehto, J., 2019. The Circular Economy in Adaptive Reuse: Respecting Authenticity and Integrity, in: Il Patrimonio Culturale in Mutamento Le Sfide Dell’uso. Presented at the Scienza e Beni Culturali 2019, Arcadia ricerche, Venezia, pp. 319–330.

ARUP, 2016. The Circular Economy in the Built Environment. ARUP, London.

Bandarin, F., Oers, R. van, 2012. The historic urban landscape: managing heritage in an urban century. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, West Sussex, UK ; Hoboken, NJ

Brandi, C., 2000. Teoria del restauro, Rist. ed, Piccola biblioteca Einaudi., Nuova serie. G. Einaudi, Torino.

Cervellati, P.L., 1991. La città bella: il recupero dell’ambiente urbano, Contemporanea. Mulino, Bologna.

CoE, 2000. European Landscape Convention.

Dobričić, S., Acri, M. (Eds.), 2018. Creative cities: which (historic) urban landscape, Architettura. Mimesis, Milano.

Dobričić, S., Jokilehto, J., Acri, M., 2019. The Circular Character of Building Tradition: Which Challenges for the HUL Approach, in: Getzinger, G. (Ed.), Proceedings of the STS Conference Graz 2019. Presented at the STS Conference Graz 2019 - Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, 6 – 7 May 2019, TU Graz, Graz. https://doi.org/10.3217/978-3-85125-668-0-05

Jokilehto, J. (2018). A history of architectural conservation. Routhledge, Taylor and Francis.

Jokilehto, J. (2019). Questions of authenticity. Conversaciones...Con Herb Stovel, 8, 18

Lefebvre, H., 1974. La production de l’espace. L’Homme et la société - Sociologie de la connaissance marxisme et anthropolgie. 31–32, 15–32. https://doi.org/10.3406/homso.1974.1855

MacArthur Foundation, 2021. The Circular Economy In Detail [WWW Document]. URL https://archive.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/explore/the-circular-economy-in-detail (accessed 8.21.21).

Norberg-Schulz, C., 1992. Genius loci: paesaggio, ambeinte, architettura. Electa, Milano.

Sennett, R. (2013). L’uomo artigiano. Feltrinelli

Tuan, Y.-F., 2011. Space and place: the perspective of experience, 7. print. ed. Univ. of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minn

UNESCO, 1976. Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas.

Teaching methods

The workshop will be carried out through short morning and afternoon lectures by the instructor and tutor and consequent individual or group assignements and workshops to be presented by the students. If possible visits and assignement out in Ravenna will be organised.

Assessment methods

Students will be assessed for their participation and contributions in the individual and group assignements that will be given by the tutor during the workshop.

Teaching tools

The course will be carried out through in aula presentations made by the teacher and frequent group and individual workshops by means of traditional softwares, as ppt and word. Should the COVID conditions favour in aula group interactions, also the use of posters and following presentations will be organised.

Office hours

See the website of Marco Acri