94344 - History and Teaching of Astronomy

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Teaching and Communication of Natural Sciences (cod. 5704)

Learning outcomes

The course provides the student with a basic knowledge of the evolution of (western) Astronomy and on the relevant teaching approaches. More specifically, he will be able to: a) describe the evolution of the concept of space ; b) connect this evolution and the development of research and instrumentation; c) describe the historical evolution of the description of the Universe (or "World").

Course contents

- Observed motion of the sky.

- Astronomical Calendars and time measurement.

- Earth dimensions: the measure of the position on Earth.

- Beyond the Earth: the World systems, Ptolemy and Kopernik.

- Beyond the Solar System: dimensions of the Universe.

- The Stars.

- Is Chemistry universal?

- The Galaxy and the galaxies.

- The Universe.

- Visit to the "Museo della Specola" in Bologna.

During the lessons, the professor will also give suggestions and present examples of ways of introducing the topics discussed during the lesson to a school audience or during a public outreach event.

A few lessons will be focused on conversations with experts in the field of public outreach, as well as with teachers or professors: the students will have the chance to hear from these experts and ask them questions about their work and on how they teach astronomy or present it to a general, non-specialistic audience.


The slides and additional material used in class will be made available on the online repository https://virtuale.unibo.it/. During the course of the semester, the professor will also suggest books, articles and additional material to support the individual learning process.

Teaching methods

Lessons will be taught using slides that will be made available on the online platform https://virtuale.unibo.it/. A regular blackboard will also be used, as well as multi-medial material.

Additional tools can be provided to students with disabilities, via a request through DSA.

Assessment methods

Presentation/lecture given by the student on selected argument/s. (70%). Interview and discussion (30%).

Teaching tools

Lessons will be taught using slides that will be made available on the online platform https://virtuale.unibo.it/. A regular blackboard will also be used, as well as multi-medial material.

Additional tools can be provided to students with disabilities, via a request through DSA.

Office hours

See the website of Stefano Marchesi