94199 - Theories and Models of Educational Mediation

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Teaching and Communication of Natural Sciences (cod. 5704)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to identify the main theories and phases of development of educational through the analysis of the most current methodological and didactic models for teaching. At the end of the course the student: (a) knows the general categories of didactics in formal education contests; (b) knows the main techniques related to working groups; (c) is able to carry out group discussions and build tools for study case analysis; (d) is able to projects in collaboration with local bodies/scientific institutions; (e) is able to identify the most appropriate strategies to promote collaboration between different subjects/entities; (f) is able to use different languages to communicate his or her teaching strategies.

Course contents

The course will address the main issues related to active methodologies and teaching methods, framing them within the broader field of teaching and learning methodologies.

Specifically, the topics covered will be:

- definition of teaching-learning methodlogies; the main education paradigm: activism, didactic cognitivism, socio-constructivism

- the teaching methods between transmission, activism and cooperation

- Active education methodologies and techniques. The laboratory as a learning scenario. Cooperative learning and problem-based learning.
- the Indicazioni Nazionali per il curricolo and the development of scientific thinking
- design of horizontal continuity paths between school and out-of-school.

The teaching intends to introduce the students to an educational and didactic design capable of enhancing knowledge and to the use of traditional-transmissive, active and cooperative teaching methodologies in secondary school contexts, also in a perspective of educational continuity with local agencies. "Open lectures" with experts who will present methodological and didactic experiments are planned.
The course is held in presence.



Castoldi M. (2015) Didattica Generale. Nuova edizione riveduta e ampliata. Mondadori:Milano. (NB. attenzione non utilizzare l'edizione del 2010). 

a text of your choice from the list:

Teaching methodologies:

Falasca M. (2022) L'educazione scientifica con lo sguardo al futuro: connessioni di contenuti e metodi in tutti gli ordini di scuola seguendo le Indicazioni Nazionali per il Curricolo, Armando editore: Roma.

FTC (2022) ACS - Associazione Cooperativa Scolastica. Costruire comunità solidali, sostenibili e felici con le generazioni future. Erickson: Trento

Gambula G., Ghilarducci I. (2017) Progettare e apprendere le competenze con il cooperative learning, Franco Angeli: Milano.

Cacciamani S. (2008) Imparare cooperando: dal Cooperative Learning alle comunità di ricerca, Carocci: Roma.

Maglioni M., Fabio Biscaro F. (2014) La classe capovolta: innovare la didattica con la flipped classroom. Erickson: Trento

Classic of Education:

Scuola di Barbiana (2016) Lettera a una professoressa. Firenze: Libreria Editrice Fiorentina

Bernardino A. (2004) Un anno a Pietralata; La scuola nemica. Ilisso: Nuoro

Lodi M. (1995) Il paese sbagliato: diario di un'esperienza didattica. Einaudi: Torino

De Bartolomeis F. (2018) Fare la Scuola fuori della scuola, Aracne: Roma

Meirieu P. (2017) Pedagogia. Dai luoghi comuni ai concetti chiave, Aracne, Roma

Pennac D., Diario di scuola, Feltrinelli, Milano 2008

Out of school contexts

FTC (2022) ACS - Associazione Cooperativa Scolastica. Costruire comunità solidali, sostenibili e felici con le generazioni future. Erickson: Trento

Maccario D. (a cura di) (2009), L’educazione difficile. La didattica nei contesti socioculturali e assistenziali, Carocci Faber: Roma.

Martini E.R., Torti A. (2003), Fare lavoro di comunità: riferimenti teorici e strumenti operativi, Carocci Faber: Roma

Teaching methods

Lessons (inductive, deductive and dialogued); power point presentation, video analysis, papers provided by the teacher during the course.

Assessment methods

Students can agree with the lecturer on the mode of examination, either written, oral or design.

The written test consists of a test composed of multiple-choice, true/false and open-ended "short essay" type questions. The criteria for correction and scoring are given, along with the exam syllabus, on the first page of the written tests.

The oral test consists of an interview on the topics of the texts in the bibliography.

Project test. Consists of a design hypothesis for the implementation of the course content, according to a draft provided during the course, which must consider the theoretical-methodological constructs addressed and transformed into teaching action with specific recipients. The design hypothesis will be sent at least 15 days before the exam date via email, and will be presented and discussed at the exam.

The questions will test specific knowledge and skills of analysis and application, requiring (especially in the short essay mode) critical argumentation. The criteria used for the evaluation of the test's open questions refer to the following indicators: 1. ability to connect parts and link content 2. to elaborate individual parts concisely and comprehensively 3. to argue with conceptual clarity, safeguarding theoretical references 4. to critically rework and implement personal reflections 5. to support and enrich the discussion also with proposals and underlining that emerged in classroom meetings.

For the project test, the criteria used for evaluation refer to the following indicators: 1. consistency of the proposal with respect to recipients and purposes; 2. ability to connect theoretical and methodological principles with the project proposal; 3. consistency in the transposition of methodologies into reality contexts; 4. ability to argue the methodological choices made, reworking one's own critical thinking; 5. ability to identify limitations and opportunities of the proposal (also with respect to what emerged in the course and classroom meetings).

In case of failure to pass the exam, there is no appeal skip.
To take the exam, the student must register in AlmaEsami [https://almaesami.unibo.it/] .

Teaching tools

ppt presentations

short movies

material distributed by the teacher during the lessons to encourage discussion

Office hours

See the website of Piergiuseppe Ellerani


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