94119 - Employability: Strategy and Knowledge to Enter the Job Market

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student acquires the necessary information to access the job market as an employee, self-employed or as a researcher. This knowledge concerns the so-called softskills, knowledge of the job market, the related legislative aspects and the main potential roles.

Course contents

The course is held in collaboration with ASSPECT, the Associazione per la Promozione della Cultura Tecnica - http://www.asspect.it/.

Lessons will be taught in italian and held in the classrooms in viale Risorgimento 2, and will be particularly dedicated to technical profiles. In particular, the topics covered are the following:

Definition of employability, factors that determine it;

Soft skills: how to increase and present them; broadening and focusing of knowledge;

Your CV: basic and distinctive elements; how companies select and hire, interviews, internships, selection criteria;

Potential roles of the engineer in industry and evolutions in the light of the innovations in progress;

The employee job market: business segmentation, search for opportunities, how to acquire the necessary information;

Comparison between self-employed and dependent work. Selection criteria. Regulatory framework;

University career and other research activities;

Activities in the PA and in international bodies;

Creation and management of an innovative start-up.


E. ROSSI DI SCHIO, M. SALMON: Employability. Per entrare nel mondo del lavoro. Guida pratica per laureandi.

Ed. Esculapio, 2019.

ISBN: 9788893851244

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises and seminars held by external guests.

Assessment methods

Minimum attendance: at least 70% of class hours.

A final grade is awarded, with a test at the end of the course to verify the skills acquired. In addition, exercises will be held during the course which will be evaluated for the purpose of determining the final grade.

Office hours

See the website of Eugenia Rossi di Schio