93493 - Economy of Media (LM)

Academic Year 2021/2022

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student acquires the fundamental notions related to all the aspects that characterize the economic chain of media products, both as far as production and the institutions related to it are concerned, and as far as the setting up of an economic plan is concerned. At the end of the course, students will be able to analyze the economic dynamics related to media products.

Course contents

Analysis of the distinctive features of the media market, with particular reference to audiovisual media and the Internet. The media production chain will be examined in the light of the significant changes it has undergone since the '80s, both for the impact of new technologies, and for the processes of economic aggregation and product modification. The models of production, distribution and multiplatform fruition and the creation of franchises related to the audiovisual product will be examined. The course will be organized around the following thematic blocks:

- Cultural Industries
- Basic definitions of Microeconomics
- The Advertising Market
- Production and distribution of the audiovisual product
- Convergence and digital media
- Non-monetary economies


Essential will be the use of material selected by the professor and made available through the Virtual platform and lecture notes.

- Alan B. Albarran, The Media Economy, London, Routledge 2016

- David Hesmondhalgh, Le industrie culturali, Egea, Milan 2008 or 2015, INTRODUCTION AND CHAPTERS 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9

- Paola Brembilla, It's All Connected. L'evoluzione delle serie TV statunitensi, Milan, Franco Angeli, 2018

- Reports and teaching materials present on the Virtuale platform of the teaching

However, the exam program is the same for all students.

Teaching methods

Lectures with support of audio-visual presentations. Classroom interaction with dedicated app.

It is also possible to follow the classes in remote streaming through the links present on the Virtuale platform on the page related to the course. The student's attendance and active participation during the course, measured through the use of a dedicated app for classroom and remote interaction (which will be discussed during the first lesson), will contribute to the determination of the final grade to the extent of 2 points that can be used in the first two exams following the closure of the course.

ATTENTION: Given the fluidity of the emergency situation that we are experiencing and since this program is published in July 2021, it is possible that the mode of delivery of teaching will change in the coming months. In this case, timely notice will be given through an update of this program, as well as through appropriate notices published on the usual institutional channels, namely: notices published on the faculty page (https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/guglielmo.pescatore) and on the websites of the Degree Courses and of the University, which all students are invited to consult periodically.

Assessment methods

Written test with multiple-choice questions. This test is designed to verify a qualitative knowledge of the principles of microeconomics, price, market, supply demand and a general knowledge of the mechanisms and strategies of the media industries. The test includes 31 questions that will be evaluated as follows: 1 point for each correct answer, -0.5 points for each wrong answer, 0 points for each question with no answer.

In order to take the exam it is necessary to enroll in the list through the AlmaEsami service. Students who are not registered will not be admitted to take the test. In order to rationalize the management of the exam it is necessary that enrolled students, if they decide not to attend, remove themselves from the exam list. We also remind you that it is necessary to show up at the call with your UniBo credentials and an identification document.

Students who have included the exam in their study plan in academic years prior to the 2020/2021 academic year are invited to contact the teacher to agree on how to take the test.

Students with Specific Learning Disabilites who need to make adjustments are asked to write to the teacher with the Service for Disabled and Dyslexic students in cc.

Teaching tools

A Prezi presentation accessible to students is provided for each lesson.

Case studies are documented through the projection of audiovisual materials.

Streaming video and case study materials related to each lesson will be available through the Virtuale platform.

Classroom interaction and attendance tracking through Acadly app.

Office hours

See the website of Guglielmo Pescatore