89985 - Narrations of Political-Cultural Crises in the Contemporary Age (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2020/2021

Learning outcomes

The course aims at providing students with a general framework which will enable them to acquire a historical viewpoint on the meaning and the characteristics of contemporary history in the European and International context. At the end of the course presumably they will be able to understand the basic features of the social, cultural and political dynamicsin the contemporary history, in order to analyse those dynamics in a critical way, while taking into account the most recent historiographic debate. Furthermore, students will learn to analyse those dynamics in a wider international context. Eventually, they will have acquired the instruments to study in depth the themes of the course thanks to their operational autonomy, and will be able to deliver a speech about their closer examination in a seminar context.

Course contents

The course will highlight how the critical issues of this phase of Italian history (1876-1924) are represented by those intellectuals - from De Sanctis to Gobetti bearing in mind also Prezzolini, just to name some of the best known - who give interpretations of politics also through literarian, historical and artistic culture. The course will be held as a seminar and attendants will be required to develop the reserach focusing on historical sources, namely, on the main political and cultural Italian journals - «Nuova Antologia», «Leonardo», «La Voce», «L’Unità», «La Rivoluzione Liberale», etc.



M.L. Mangoni, Civiltà della crisi: cultura e politica in Italia tra Otto e Novecento, Roma, Viella, 2013 (cap. 1. intellettuali e Italia unita; 2. l’eziologia della nazione; 3. Le Riviste del Novecento; 4. “Società”: storia e storiografia nel secondo dopoguerra; 5. Civiltà della crisi.

A monograph chosen among the followings :

Paolo Pombeni (a cura di), Crisi, legittimazione, consenso, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2003

M. Cioli, Anche noi macchine! Avanguardie artistiche e politica europea (1900-1930), Roma, Carocci, 2018

R. Vivarelli, Fascismo e storia d’Italia, Il Mulino, 2008, magari fino al cap. VII.

E. Gentile, “La nostra sfida alle stelle”. Futuristi in politica, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2009 + E. Collotti, Politica e cultura negli anni di Weimar: aspetti di un rapporto conflittuale, in AA.VV., Il flusso del tempo: Scritti su Ferruccio Busoni, Milano, Unicopli, 1986

R. Pertici, La cultura storica dell’Italia unita. Saggi e interventi critici, Roma, Viella, 2018 (dal capitolo 1 al capitolo 10)


Teaching methods

Due to the restrictions imposed by the currentt health Emergency, teaching will be carried out in this manner:

the teacher will Always be present in the designated room, the students will take turns. More detailed information will be provided. It will Always be possible to connect via TEAMS


For attending students there are lectures and research activities with a seminar check according to indications and deadlines that will be provided in class.

Not-attending students must prepare the manual and a monograph of their choice

Assessment methods

Weekly seminar checks for attending students.

Oral exam for not-attending students

Office hours

See the website of Fulvio Cammarano