89978 - History of the New Theatre

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Drama, Art and Music Studies (cod. 5821)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course the student: knows the main artistic experiences that characterize the history of the New Theatre since the second half of the 20th century, also through video evidence; is able to identify the historical fundamentals and master the theoretical-methodological aspects; matures skills about the different forms of live performance, the analysis of expressive languages, economic and organizational models, social and cultural contexts of reference; learns how to critically organize bibliographic and documentary materials; knows how to analyze and comment on a spectacular text in relation to context, creative process, scenic writing.

Course contents

Module I = first 30 hours: Introduction to the New Theatre and foundational experiences

The first module of the course will analyze the definition of “New Theatre” and the main experiences that have contribuited to the rethinking of expressive forms and professional practices from the second half of the twentieth century, marking a break with the past and asserting the “New” as a value in itself.

Module II = following 30 hours: Participatory theatre

The second module of the course will investigate languages and paradigms of the spectator participation in contemporary theatre, with a focus on Roger Bernat and Rimini Protokoll theatre.

The main theoretical elements of participatory theatre will be provided, through the redefinition of the role of the spectator and the analysis of the core elements of each participatory paradigm. Performances related to the different participatory cases will be also analyzed by using audiovisual projections, essays and other materials.

Start: 29th January 2024 - End: 8th March 2024

Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday, 15-17


Start: 19th March 2024 - End: 30th April 2024

Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 15-17.


Attending students (70% of attendance in class):

  1. L. Mango, Il Novecento del teatro. Una storia, Roma, Carocci, 2019 (only the Second Part: Il secondo Novecento, pp. 165-341).
  2. L. Mango, La scrittura scenica. Un codice e le sue pratiche nel teatro del Novecento, Roma, Bulzoni, 2003 (only the following part: Capitolo I. Fondamenti teorici e coordinate storiche – paragrafo 1. La scrittura scenica come oggetto teorico, pp. 13-47). Published on Virtuale platform.
  3. C. Pedullà, Il teatro partecipativo. Paradigmi ed esperienze, Corazzano, Titivillus, 2021.
  4. Teaching materials published on Virtuale platform.

Exam program for non-attending students:

Non-attending students will also study the following additional texts:

  1. C. Valenti, Storia del Living Theatre. Conversazioni con Judith Malina, Corazzano, Titivillus, 2017.
  2. S. Casi, 600.000 e altre azioni teatrali per Giuliano Scabia, Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2012.

Teaching methods

The course will be conducted in person.

The teaching also uses slides, audiovisual projections, web sources, and the sharing of teaching materials through Virtuale.

The course will also host meetings with artists and theatre professionals.

Students will also be invited to the vision of theatre performances which will be discussed in classroom.

Assessment methods

Attending students will face audits in progress through the course, consisting in analyzing shows that were seen in class or theatre, and also face an oral inteview. During the interview the critical knowledge of lecture topics and reference materials will be evaluated.

Non-attending students will sit the oral interview aimed at verifying the critical knowledge of the bibliographical material.

The achievement of an organic vision of the issues addressed during the classes, the ownership of a mastery of expression and specific language, the capability of guidance within the reference materials will be assessed with marks of excellence. Mechanical or mnemonic knowledge of matter, poorly articulating and not always appropriate language will lead to discrete assessments. Training gaps, inappropriate language, minimal knowledge of the material will lead to votes that will not exceed the sufficiency. Training gaps, inappropriate language, lack of guidance within the reference materials will lead to failed assessments.

Teaching tools

Presentations, audiovisual projections, web sources, sharing of teaching materials through Virtuale.

TEAMS platform, Virtuale.

Office hours

See the website of Carmen Pedullà


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.