Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Moduli: Caterina Bertini (Modulo 1) Maria Angela Molinari (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Neurosciences and neuro-psychological rehabilitation (cod. 0989)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the students: 1) can relate the clinical neuropsychological signs following acquired cerebral lesions or cognitive decline to the appropriate assessment and rehabilitative tools 2) can plan projects for the diagnosis and rehabilitation in neuropsychology.

Course contents

Background knowledge:

  • The tools for the differential diagnosis in neuropsychology
  • The main techniques and principles of neuropsychological rehabilitation

    The course will take place during the second semester (February-May, 2019), at the Cesena Campus of the School of Psychology and Education (address: p.zza A. Moro, 90).

    The course articulates in two modules (Caterina Bertini – 15 hours) focusing on the following contents:

  • The role of the neuropsychologist in the National Health Service
  • Projects for the diagnosis and rehabilitation of the cognitive and behavioural deficits following cerebrovascular diseases, brain tumors, multiple sclerosis and specific cognitive deficits (subjective memory impairment, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, head trauma)


Obligatory course readings: the slides and selected scientific papers presented during each class. The slides will be available after the classes on https://campus.unibo.it/

Teaching methods

Lectures, discussion of clinical cases, presentation of videos, practical exercises.

Assessment methods

The written exam (2 hours) requires to plan two projects of diagnosis and rehabilitation in neuropsychology, one for each module. Each professor will assess the student's knowledge of their module, separately, using a score ranging from 18-30/30. The final score is the mean of the scores attained at the two modules, weighted based on the amount of credits of each module (Bertini: 1/3; lecturer 2/3). In order to pass the exam, students are required to obtain the minimum score (18) on each module.

The top score (30) will be given to students proving their ability in planning theoretically and formally appropriate projects of diagnosis and rehabilitation in neuropsychology. On the basis of the correctness and completeness of the answers, scores will range from 30 to 18.

During the exam students are not allowed to consult any materials, such as textbooks, notes, electronic devices.

The student is required to complete the online registration (Almaesami) within the terms in order to be admitted to the exam. In the case of technical problems the student is required to promptly contact the Segreteria Studenti and email prof. Bertini (within the terms) who will consider the request and decide about the admission.

Teaching tools

Slides (PowerPoint), papers, discussions on single cases, videos.

Office hours

See the website of Caterina Bertini

See the website of Maria Angela Molinari