87348 - Literary Civilisation of Ancient and Modern China (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course students will have acquired a thorough knowledge of Chinese civilization in its different historical, cultural and literary expressions. They will be able to approach critically the related literature and its problems, to identify and classify literary works and to develop analytical investigations of the written sources.

Course contents

The course will explore the following topics:

- The origin and early develpment of the Chinese writing system and the six principle in the Shuowen jiezi;

- Textual transmission in ancient China and the problem af textual authority;

- The Chinese classics, in particular the problems of composition, styles and their impact on the future development of Chinese literature and philophy

- Historical text: from the Spring and Autumn Annals to the Hanshu, and non canonical historiography

- The origin and development of the novel and short stories. 


Cheng, Anne, “Storia del Pensiero Cinese” (vol. I), Torino: Einaudi, 2000 (Introduzione; Chapters II, IV, and VII)

Hsia, Chih-tsing, “The Classic Chinese Novel: A Critical Introduction”, Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1980 (Chapters. IV, VI, and VII)

Owen, Stephen. Reading in Chinese Literary Thought". Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992. Chapters. 2 and 3.

Teaching methods

Traditional lectures will be offered in order for the students to grasp the basic concepts of the devolpment of the Chinese literaru and philosophical tradition.

Reading of the ancient texts will be followed by a discussion among the lecturer and the students.



Assessment methods

The final exam will be an oral examination in which the students will deal with the arguments covered during the classes, especially the content of the texts and all the literary and philosofical topics covers by the texts.


Class attendance is not mandatory, but those who choose not to attend will also write a short paper (with notes and a short bibliography) which will be reviwed by the lecturer

Office hours

See the website of Luca Vantaggiato