87348 - Literary Civilisation of Ancient and Modern China (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Gaia Perini
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: L-OR/21
  • Language: Italian

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course students will have acquired a thorough knowledge of Chinese civilization in its different historical, cultural and literary expressions. They will be able to approach critically the related literature and its problems, to identify and classify literary works and to develop analytical investigations of the written sources.

Course contents

The present course will explore the realm of wen (the art of writing): what is wen and which are its forms? During the archaic, the classical and the modern eras, which genres were considered as integral part of this fundamental category of Chinese traditional knowledge and which texts instead were aprioristically excluded from it? Starting from this basilar concept of wen, the course will focus on the different discoursive regimes of poetry, philosophy, historiography and fiction. A special emphasis will be given to this last genre, which had been banned from the official literature for many centuries, but in the end turned into the highest symbol of modern national culture.

Main themes and issues covered in class:

  • Wen: the practice of writing and its historical subjects: shamans from Shang dynasty, the preQin thinkers, the officials, the hermits, the scholars and the artists
  • The relationship between thinking and ruling: preQin philosophical-literary texts
  • The poetic language: from the metaphor of power to the power of metaphor, Tang poetry
  • History (“zhengshi”) and stories (unofficial historiography, short stories, novels: “what the Master would not discuss”)
  • The outsiders of Chinese literature: the novels on monsters, ghosts, fox-spirits and other strange creatures, like women


Excerpts from:

  • Cheng, Anne, “Storia del Pensiero Cinese” (vol. I), Torino: Einaudi, 2000
  • Cheng, François, “La Poesia T’ang”, Napoli: Guida, 1987
  • Hsia, Chih-tsing, “The Classic Chinese Novel: A Critical Introduction”, Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1980
  • Lu Xun, “A Brief History of Chinese Fiction”, Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 1964
  • Masi, Edoarda, “Storie del Bosco Letterario”, Milano: Libri Scheiwiller, 2002
  • Materials provided by the teacher
All the texts are available at our library 

Teaching methods

Close reading; text-context analysis; reception theory (a special emphasis is given to the reader and his/her role in bringing the text to life by reading it)

Each lesson is divided in two parts: besides the introduction to each literary work and the description of its historical context along with the close reading under the teacher’s guide, an open discussion among the students will be held (both about the linguistic aspects and the content). The students are required to read by themselves the texts that will be discussed in class and prepare a 15-min presentation (the assignment shall consist of few pages per week: from 5 to 30 at most)

Assessment methods

ll presente corso (6CFU) è componente del Corso integrato di Civiltà letteraria Cinese (C:I:) (LM) Qualora LO STUDENTE ABBIA IN PIANO DI STUDIO IL CORSO INTEGRATO (12 CFU), IL VOTO FINALE RISULTERA' DALLA MEDIA ARITMETICA DEI VOTI OTTENUTI NEI DUE COMPONENTI ("Civiltà letteraria cinese antica e moderna" e "Civiltà letteraria cinese contemporanea").

Un esame orale accerterà la capacità dello studenti di orientarsi nel programma: saranno verificate sia le conoscenze storico-teoriche, sia l'abilità di commentare criticamente i testi, inserendoli nel loro contesto.

Le presentazioni fatte in classe per i frequentanti varranno come una parte (1/3) importante della valutazione finale.

Il raggiungimento da parte dello studente di una visione organica dei temi affrontati a lezione e delle conoscenze previste per la disciplina congiunta alla loro utilizzazione critica, la dimostrazione del possesso di una padronanza espressiva e di linguaggio specifico saranno valutati con voti di eccellenza.

Una conoscenza mnemonica della materia e capacità di sintesi e di analisi articolate in un linguaggio corretto, ma non sempre appropriato, porteranno a valutazioni discrete.

Lacune formative e/o linguaggio inappropriato, seppur in un contesto di conoscenze minimali del materiale d'esame, condurranno a voti che non supereranno la sufficienza.

Lacune formative, linguaggio inappropriato, mancanza di orientamento all'interno dei materiali bibliografici previsti dal corso saranno valutati negativamente.

Gli studenti non frequentanti dovranno presentare dieci giorni prima dell’esame una tesina di max 12 pagine con le personali osservazioni e riflessioni sull’insieme dei testi studiati per l’esame. All’esame verrà presentata e discussa con la docente tale tesina e si dovrà rispondere ad alcune altre domande per accertare il livello di preparazione.

Teaching tools

IOL, PowerPoint slides, links to video and websites

Office hours

See the website of Gaia Perini