85449 - Scholarly Editing and Digital Approaches (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (cod. 9224)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide students with an overview of the main concepts and ideas of textual criticism applied to literary texts, focusing on their linguistic status, their transmission, and their manuscript and print tradition. The particular pitch of the module, aimed to beginners, will inspire students with basic or limited knowledge of literary history, linguistics and textual criticism to engage with a new and innovative approach to literary texts. Through a series of workshops on shared digital platforms, by the end of the course the students will be able to recognize a DSE (Digital Scholarly Edition), to compare the different theoretical and methodological frameworks for its realization according to national and international standards, and to design their own digital edition.

Course contents

1. Introduction and Welcome Questionary


2. Digital Humanities and Literary Texts. What is a literary text: its status, tradition, trasmission.

3. Scholarly Editing/Critical Editions of LT in the Analog Age / Digital Age

4. Digital Scholarly Editions and Digital Archives: what are the differences

5. Digital Scholarly Editions and Digital Critical Editions: what are the differences


6. Literary Texts on the web: how to recognize a fake text

7. WikiSource vs Wiki Leopardi / Wiki Gadda

8. Philoreader

9. Philoeditor Manzoni e Philoeditor Pinocchio

10. Manzoni on the Web Project: a collection of Scholarly Editions


  1. Comparing Digital Scholarly Editions
  2. Philoreader
  3. Wiki Edition
  4. Philoeditor Editions

15. Conclusions and Discussion


Compulsory Readings

  1. Bonsi-Di Iorio-Italia-Vitali 2015 C. Bonsi, A. Di Iorio, P. Italia, F. Vitali, Manzoni's electronic interpretations, in The Mechanic Reader. Digital methods for literary criticism, in “Semicerchio”, LIII (2015/2), pp. 91-99.
  2. Bordalejo 2014 Work and Document, a cura di Bárbara Bordalejo, “Ecdotica”, n. 10 (2014), pp. 7-76 [Bárbara Bordalejo, Introduzione 7; Peter Robinson, The Concept of the Work in the Digital Age 13 Hans Walter Gabler, Editing Text – Editing Work 42 PaulEggert, What We Edit, and how We Edit; or, why not to Ring-Fence the Text; 50 Bárbara Bordalejo, The Texts We See and the Works We Imagine: The Shift of Focus of Textual Scholarship in the Digital Age 64; Peter Shillingsburg, Literary Documents, Texts, and Works Represented Digitally 76].

  3. Di Iorio-Italia-Vitali 2015 Angelo Di Iorio, Paola Italia, Fabio Vitali, Variants and Versioning between Textual Bibliography and Computer Science, in Francesca Tomasi, Roberto Rosselli Del Turco, and Anna Maria Tammaro. Eds. Humanities and Their Methods in the Digital Ecosystem. Proceedings of Third AIUCD Annual Conference (AIUCD2014). Selected papers. ACM, New York, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-4503-3295-8.
  4. Eggert 2012 Paul Eggert, Anglo-American Critical Editing. Concepts, terms, methodologies, “Ecdotica”, n. 9 (2012), pp. 113-124.

  5. Pierazzo-Driscoll 2016 Digital Scholarly Editing. Theories and practices, Matthew James Driscoll and Elena Pierazzo (eds.), OpenBookPublisher, 2016 ( [https://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/483#page/1/mode/2up)] (only part 1: Theories, pp. 1-137)

  6. Fiormonte-Numerico-Tomasi 2015 Fiormonte, T. Numerico, F. Tomasi, The digital humanist, Punctumbooks, 2015 https://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-digital-humanist/) (only Chap. 4: Representing and Archiving — Chap. 5: Searching and Organizing)

One paper among the followings:

Greetham-Zaccarello 2014 David Greetham, Michelangelo Zaccarello, La repubblica delle lettere di Jerome McGann, D.G., The end(s) of reading from Nietzsche to McGann (p. 7); M.Z., Il posto dell’edizione critica nella «nuova repubblica delle lettere» di Jerome McGann, “Ecdotica”, n. 11 (2014), pp. 7-25.

Italia-Bonsi 2015 Bonsi-Italia, ECD/DCE. Edizioni a confronto/Comparing Editions, a cura di Paola Italia e Claudia Bonsi, Sapienza University Press, 2015 (http://www.editricesapienza.it/sites/default/files/Italia_Bonsi_EdizioniCriticheDigitali.pdf)

(one paper among PARTE I, 1-9 chapters)

Italia-Tomasi 2014 Paola Italia e Francesca Tomasi, Filologia digitale. Fra teoria, metodologia e tecnica, in “Ecdotica”, 11 (2014), pp. 112-131 (a cura di Paola Italia le pp. 122-131).

Italia 2016a P. Italia, Il lettore Google, in PEML, a. I, n. 1 (2016), pp. 1-12.

Italia 2016b P. Italia, Editing 2.0. Quali testi leggiamo e leggeremo in rete?, in «Nuovi Argomenti», gennaio-marzo 2016, n. 73, pp. 80-86.

Pierazzo-Leclarc 2015 Elena Pierazzo e Elise Leclerc, L’edizione scientifica al tempo dell’editoria digitale, “Ecdotica”, n. 12, (2015), pp. 180-193.

Tomasi 2012 Francesca Tomasi, L’edizione digitale e la rappresentazione della conoscenza, “Ecdotica”, n. 9 (2012), pp. 113-124.

Teaching methods

Face-to-face classes and laboratory/workshop sessions of 15 lessons (30 hours). During the first lesson students will be given a Welcome Questionary, to text the class level. After the first five lessons, some case studies will be dealt, and students will choose amongst A, B, C, D topics, on which they will write a 20.000 bytes paper and realize a section/page of a digital edition.

Assessment methods

The exam is made up of a written text (maximum 20.000 bytes Bibliography included), in which students will deal with a topic and a section/page of a digital edition.

Reaching a clear view of all the course topics, and go deep into the essay chosen topic, as well as using a correct language terminology will be valued with maximum rankings. Mnemonic knowledge of the course topics or not completely appropriate terminology will be valued with intermediate rankings. Unknown topics or inappropriate terminology use will be valued, depending on the seriousness of the omissions, with minimal or insufficient rankings.

Teaching tools

E-learning platform, Didactic materials, Audio recording of the lessons available on E-learning Platform.

Office hours

See the website of Paola Maria Carmela Italia