81790 - History of the Catalan Culture

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Pau Sitjà Márquez
  • Credits: 9
  • SSD: L-LIN/05
  • Language: Catalan
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Foreign Languages and Literature (cod. 0979)

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course the student knows social, geographical and historical aspects and contexts of the Catalan language and culture. The student is able to expose problems with specific properties of socio-cultural order and has the instruments to contextualize, analyse and comment texts and documents of various types, and place them in relation with the most significant transformations relating to cultural fields of reference.

Course contents

Through the Catalan literary, cinematographic, musical and journalistic production, we will study the myths, national symbols and significant events in the history of the Catalan countries as essential tools for understanding the contemporary.

1. Introduction: culture, memory

-Presentation of the territories in which Catalan is spoken: history, geography, demography and administrative organization.

-Historical memory and national symbolism: flag, anthem and national day.

-Tools to understand Catalan politics.

2. Literary historiography

-Valencian golden century.

-Renaixença and Jacint Verdaguer.

-Modernism: architecture, literature, painting.

-Noucentisme. Mancomunitat and normalization process of the Catalan language.

3. Catalan cultural imagery of the 20th century

-Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. Demographic changes. Reflections around the Catalan identity.

-The avant-gardes: Papasseit, Dalí, Miró.

-Republic and civil war: history and literature.

-Franchism and cultural resistance. La Nova Cançó.


1. Summary of the history of the Catalan language. Downloadable here: http://webs.racocatala.cat/cat1714/d/histcat.pdf

2. Reading of two Catalan novels in translation, or of a Catalan novel in Catalan language among the works that will be indicated or agreed with the teacher. The reading of the works is accompanied by the production of a paper (max. 15 p.), which must be handed in at least one week before the final exam.




Antoni Ferrando i Miquel Nicolàs, Història de la llengua catalana,Barcelona, Edicions de la UOC/Pòrtic, 2005.

Magí Sunyer, Els Mites nacionals catalans, Vic, Eumo, 2006.

AAVV, Tot el que cal saber sobre la cultura catalana, Barcelona, Edicions 62, 2007.

Teaching methods

Lectures with discussions and interventions by the participants. Interactive reading and translation of journalistic articles and literary texts in Catalan. Listening to music and screening of audiovisual documents about the Catalan linguistics and cultural identity.

Assessment methods

Exam of the course contents and exam of the paper presented by the student. The candidate's ability to move easily between the various topics will be evaluated, as well as the acquisition of, at least, a passive competence in Catalan.

Teaching tools

Other meetings, language training activities in Catalan and/or a book club will be held. Furthermore, other cultural and literary activities will be organized, such as small literary events and/or different poetry recitals.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Pau Sitjà Márquez