76578 - Roman Public Law (FF)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 9232)

    Also valid for Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 0659)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students know:
- the basic structures of the roman criminal trials;
- the characterics of the inquiring system and of the accusatory system;
- the ways of planning of the law cases, with special attention to the role of the Defense and of the Public Prosecutor;

- the fundamental principles of the legal profession Ethics.

Course contents

- The basic structures of the roman criminal trial (iudicia publica)

- The 'crimina'

- The 'quaestiones perpetuae'

- The "aequum iudicium"

 - The kinds of cases

- The ways of planning of the law cases: the 'status causae'

- The role of the Defense and of the Public Prosecutor

- Duties of the 'iudex'

- The fundamental principles of the legal profession Ethics


Attending students:

G. Bassanelli Sommariva, "I giudizi criminali. Lezioni di diritto pubblico romano" (in corso di stampa)

At lesson, slides will be used for a better comprehension of the institutes; the slides can be used to study the exam too (only for attending students).


Suggested reading:

Anna Bellodi Ansaloni, Scienza giuridica e retorica forense, II edizione, ed. Maggioli, 2017, parte II.

Anna Bellodi Ansaloni, L’arte dell'avvocato, actor veritatis. Studi di retorica e deontologia forense, 2016, Bononia University Press, cap. II § 3; cap. IV; cap. V.


Non attending students:

G. Bassanelli Sommariva, "I giudizi criminali. Lezioni di diritto pubblico romano" (in corso di stampa; uscirà nel prossimo A.A.)

Anna Bellodi Ansaloni, Scienza giuridica e retorica forense,II edizione, ed. Maggioli, 2017, parte II.

Anna Bellodi Ansaloni, L’arte dell'avvocato, actor veritatis. Studi di retorica e deontologia forense, 2016, Bononia University Press, cap. II § 3; cap. IV; cap. V.

Teaching methods

At lessons, slides will be used for a better comprehension of the institutes. 

For attending students, the slides will be made available on the course website.

Lessons will be held in the second six-month period and the exam can be taken from May.

Exam can be taken only after the exams 'Istituzioni di diritto romano', Diritto costituzionale' and 'Diritto privato'.

Assessment methods

The check of objectives will be made by oral exam.

The evalutation of the exam will be made by appreciating program’s knowledge, ability in making logical-deductive reasonings and in speaking the technical-legal terminology.

Gradation of the final grade:

Preparation on very few arguments of the course, analytical skills only by professor’s help, limited ability in speaking the technical-legal terminology: 18-20;

Preparation on few arguments of the course, skills in making logical-deductive reasoning mostly by professor’s help, middling ability in speaking the technical-legal terminology: 21-24;

Preparation on the most of course program, analytical skills, autonomous ability in making logical-deductive reasonings and connections, fairly good knowledge of the technical-legal terminology: 25-29;

Exhaustive preparation on the whole course program, good analytical skills, good and autonomous ability in making logical-deductive reasonings and connections, knowledge of the technical-legal terminology: 30-30L.

Degree thesis

Degree thesis will be set taking care of student’s interest. So, students are suggested to propose a subject and time wished for the degree. Thesis is an extensive discussion that reveals self-sufficient ability of research, maturity of method and of judgment and legal interdisciplinary knowledge. Thesis has no limit of pages, but the average number of pages extends from 100 to 150. A thorough bibliography will be appreciated.

Teaching tools

At lesson juridical and rhetoric texts will be read and explained, using slides too.

Office hours

See the website of Anna Bellodi Ansaloni


Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.