73925 - Principles of Management

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Moduli: Carlo Boschetti (Modulo 1) Mariachiara Colucci (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Management and Marketing (cod. 8406)

Learning outcomes

The course provides the basic concepts and tools for analyzing the company in its central elements, in relation with the external environment, and with its main stakeholders. In particular, the student is able to: - know the main theories of the company; - place the company within its socio-economic system; - analyze the external environment of the company; - define the business of the company; - systematically analyze resources and skills; - understand the role of digitalization in business management.

Course contents

- The company within the economic and social system: analysis of the role of companies in the economic system and in the social context.

- The business definition: the definition of the activities in which the company operates

- Theories of the firm

- The concept of business

- Industry analysis

- Value chain and competitive advantage

- Resources and competences

- The evolution of analytical techniques

- Digital transformation


Part 1

Decidere meglio, decidere per tutti di Marco Visentin, Introduzione e cap.1, Aracne Editore, 2016

Paper from the teacher

La strategia (pagg da 113 a 117) di Carlo Boschetti, in Economia e Gestione delle Imprese, di Andrea Lipparini, Il Mulino, 2007.


Part 2

Economia e gestione delle imprese di Alessandro Baroncelli e Luigi Serio, II edizione, McGraw Hill. Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14.

Teaching methods

Front and or on line lectures

Assessment methods

Open questions and/or multiple choices

Office hours

See the website of Carlo Boschetti

See the website of Mariachiara Colucci