67128 - Fundamentals of General and Nutrition Physiology

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences (cod. 8518)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will have acquired the basic information on organ and apparatus physiology, and on relevant aspects of the functional mechanisms of nutrition

Course contents


Functional systems of the human body. The cell as functional unit of the human body. Principles of body homeostasis. Compositions of the intra and extracellular milieus. Transport mechanisms through the plasma membrane.

Nervous tissue. Functional organization of the nervous tissue. Cell types of the nervous tissue. Communication mechanisms in the nervous tissue

Muscle tissue. Functional anatomy of the skeletal and smooth muscles. Excitation-contraction coupling of the skeletal and smooth muscles


Nervous system. Functional organization of the nervous system. Functional mechanisms of the central and peripheral nervous systems

Endocrine system. Functional organization of the endocrine system. Hormone classification. Hormone action mechanisms. Regulatory mechanisms of hormone secretion

Cardiovascular system. Functional organization of the cardiovascular system. Mechanic activity of the heart and its regulation. Functional anatomy of the circulatory system. Regulatory mechanisms of the blood pressure

Respiratory system. Functional organization of the respiratory system. Pulmonary ventilation. Transport mechanisms of the biological gasses in the blood. Regulatory mechanisms of the respiration

Urinary system. Functional organization of the urinary system. Process of urine production. Hormonal and nervous mechanisms controlling diuresis


Digestion and absorption of macronutrients. Absorption of the micronutrients. Nervous and hormonal controls of water and food ingestion

Concept of energy metabolism. Regulatory principles of body metabolism. Caloric balance and its regulation. Thermoregulatory mechanisms



Silverthorn - Human physiology: an integrated approach
Seventh edition; Pearson editor

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons

Assessment methods

The verification of the learning ability will be assessed only through a final oral exam. The exam will consist of a question on one of the arguments of the proposed learning program

Teaching tools

power point presentation

Office hours

See the website of Stefano Ferroni