48693 - Computer Science for Cultural Heritage

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Moduli: Alessandro Iannucci (Modulo 1) Simone Zambruno (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage (cod. 8616)

Learning outcomes

Basic knowledge on computer science

Course contents

Module A (30 hours): Informatic and digital culture basics.

The basic themes of Information Technology will be taught through theoretical-pratical lessons concerning the following topics:

  1. Binary code and information digitalization
  2. Hardware, computing machines architecture and interfaces;
  3. Desktop and mobile devices operative systems;
  4. Computer webs (physical and conceptual structures)
  5. Web and multimedial information
  6. Databases and informative systems
  7. Hypertexts, Semantic web and digital libraries
  8. Digital culture.

Module B (26 hours): Computer graphics and digital restoration, by dr. Simone Zambruno

The following topics, functional to the acquisition of skills for the use of digital tools and computer graphics in restoration activities, will be taught through pratical exercises in laboratory activities.

  • Image digitalization and management basics;
  • Tecniche di Structure From Motion techniques for the digitalization of items;
  • Blender 3D modelling basics;
  • 3D printing techniques.


Module A

Topics 1-4 : L. Snyder, A. Amoroso, Fluency. Conoscere e usare l'informatica, Milano: Pearson, 6. Edizione, 2016: chapters 1, 2 and 5.

Topics 5-7: F. Tomasi, Metodologie informatiche e discipline umanistiche, Roma: Carocci, 2008: chapters 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9.

Topic n. 8: the studenti is required to read at least two of the short essays (articles from scientific journals, book chapters) available as PDF files on the course IOL platform.

Modulo B

The base text is represented by M. Limoncelli, Il restauro virtuale in archeologia, Roma: Carocci, 2012 to be integrated, regarding the images digitalization, with F. Tomasi, Metodologie informatiche e discipline umanistiche, Roma: Carocci, 2008, chapter 6 and L. Snyder, A. Amoroso, Fluency. Conoscere e usare l'informatica, Milano: Pearson, 6. Edizione, 2016: chapter 8.
Short essays in PDF, video tutorials and other multimedial didactic supports regarding the module’s specific arguments are available on the course IOL platform

Teaching methods

Theoretical lectures (either conducted in presence or in live stream) for the Module A.

Theoretical-practical exercitations for the Module B, either in class or at the FrameLAB Multimedia & Digital Storytelling laboratory, Cultural Heritage Department (a specific lectures timetable for the exercitations in the laboratory will be published on the course IOL platform).

Assessment methods

Oral examination regarding both the course’s modules, integrated with the exposition of a digital restoration project created during the laboratory exercitations.

The students can contemporarily take the exam test for both the modules at the official exam session dates.

They can alternatively arrange the project submission and undergo a brief discussion regarding the course’s Module B, and eventually attend the general sessions in order in order to undergo the Module A test.

As for the exam score assignment, the examination will be based on the following criteria:

  • Negative evaluation: the student’s preparation was not adeguate in any of the test’s three parts.
  • Sufficient evaluation: the student showed an acceptable preparation in at least two of the test’s three parts (score between 18/30 and 23/30);
  • Positive evaluation: the student showed an acceptable preparation in every part of the test (score between 18/30 and 23/30);
  • Excellent evaluation: the student showed an excellent preparation in every part of the test and displays significative abilities of critical elaboration in the covered topics (score between 28/30 and 30/30)

Teaching tools

Frontal lessons and laboratory exercitations will be integrated by cooperative learning tools trough the course web platform: forum, chats, wiki, self-checks.

On the same platform didactic supports, lecture notes, video tutorials, PDF essays, links to further Digital Humanities and informatic methodologies for the study, valorization and digital restoration of the cultural heritage resources.

Office hours

See the website of Alessandro Iannucci

See the website of Simone Zambruno